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Zero occupational cancer conference

31 January, 2008Global conference on Occupational and Environmental Cancer Prevention - Friday 25 April, 2008 at the University of Stirling, Scotland.

GLOBAL: Occupational and Environmental Cancer Prevention - from research to policy to action at international, national and workplace levels - is the subject of a global conference taking place on Friday April 25, 2008 at the University of Stirling, Scotland.

As part of the global trade union zero occupational cancer campaign, the conference provides international, European, national and local perspectives on a major threat to public health: the toll taken by occupational and environmental cancers.

The day will examine:
• The scale of the occupational and environmental cancer problem from the perspective of scientists and international bodies such as the WHO, EASHW, EEA
• The current responses to such a problem from international and European agencies, from countries such as Finland which lead in the occupational and environmental cancer prevention fields, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and trade union bodies including BWI, IFJ, IMF, IUF and ETUI-HESA.
• Best available policies and practices to prevent these threats to public health, including presentations from leading researchers and commercial organisations on toxics use reduction, from members of bodies such as the Canadian Cancer Prevention Coalition and from trade unions and NGOs.

This conference is an opportunity for union safety specialists and representatives to make contact with top international experts on occupational cancer causes and incidence and on prevention strategies, including toxics use reduction.

There is a general non-commercial subsidised conference fee of £300 (this applies to trade union safety specialists), a further discounted rate of £100 for health and safety reps and activists and a limited number of places at a special rate of £10 without financial support.

For further information please contact Rory O'Neill at:
[email protected]