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IndustriALL renews agreement with world’s largest fashion retailer

8 July, 2014Geneva, Switzerland: Inditex, the world’s largest fashion retailer, today reaffirmed its commitment to fundamental human and trade union rights across its supply chain in a renewed Global Framework Agreement (GFA) with IndustriALL Global Union.

Inditex supplier union network launched in Vietnam

14 November, 2016IndustriALL Global Union, with the support of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, held a two-day seminar in DaNang with the base unions of Inditex suppliers in Vietnam.

Inditex GFA in new phase with pilot project in Turkey

9 May, 2013IndustriALL Global Union’s global framework agreement (GFA) with the Spanish-based world’s largest garment retailer Inditex has entered into a new phase of implementation in Turkey through a pilot project bringing together worker and management representatives from supplier factories with training sessions.

GFA with Inditex protects workers’ rights in Turkey

4 October, 2012The Global Framework Agreement (GFA) between Inditex and IndustriALL Global Union continues to ensure the protection and respect of fundamental rights at work throughout the supply chain of the company.

Inditex and IndustriALL to cooperate on garment industry recovery plan

4 August, 2020Inditex, the leading multinational company in the garment industry that owns Zara and other high street brands, and IndustriALL Global Union, will together support the global garment industry to recover from the crisis created by the pandemic.

Textile and garment unions advance organizing in Tunisia and Morocco

24 April, 2017Textile and garment union affiliates of IndustriALL Global Union met in Tunisia and Morocco to further develop key organizing objectives and put into action their sectorial organizing plans.

14 clothing brands express support for reform of Mexico’s labour justice system

16 August, 201714 international clothing brands have written to the Mexican government declaring their support for constitutional reform of the labour justice system and for secondary legislation to fully reflect the constitutional changes.

SPECIAL REPORT: Inditex and IndustriALL Global Union: Getting results from a global framework agreement

21 May, 2014The global framework agreement (GFA) between IndustriALL Global Union and the world’s largest fashion retailer, Inditex, stands as a model of a successful GFA for the rest of garment sector. Established in 2007, it has helped to reinstate workers expelled for being union activists, raise salaries and promote freedom of association in countries where unionization has traditionally been weak.

Indonesian garment unions set for organizing drive

15 January, 2016IndustriALL Global Union Indonesian garment and textile affiliates, Garteks and SPN, are actively preparing for an intensive year of organizing in 2016. 


11 July, 2014The global framework agreement (GFA) with Inditex, the world's largest fashion retailer, is designed to promote decent work across the group's vast supply chain, covering over a million workers in more than 6,000 supplier factories worldwide.