Building union power in oil and gas in the MENA region6 April, 2018IndustriALL affiliates from oil and gas unions in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) met this week in Beirut, Lebanon, to discuss strategies to ensure that hydrocarbon wealth is fairly distributed.
TOTAL FAIR Committee meets during the second year of GFA’s implementation14 July, 2017Members of FAIR Committee (Facilitate the Application, Involvement of all and regular measurement of the Results of the agreement) of TOTAL global framework agreement (GFA) met in Casablanca, Morocco, on 11 July to follow up the GFA signed between IndustriALL and TOTAL in January 2016.
FAIR committee discusses Total GFA monitoring and implementation9 May, 2016On 26 April 2016 union representatives met with Total company management in Paris, France to discuss further implementation and monitoring of the global framework agreement between IndustriALL and French-based energy giant Total signed in January 2015.
Due diligence: has France really laid the foundations to end corporate impunity?19 February, 2020On 24 October 2013, the Rana Plaza disaster in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, triggered a huge outcry. Over a thousand people were killed when the building, which housed garment factories, collapsed. The tragedy drew attention to the conditions widely endured by workers employed by the subcontractors of major brands and European companies, such as Carrefour, Mango, Auchan and Primark. None of these multinationals have since been brought to justice. The obstacle lies with the buyer relationship and the difficulty, if not impossibility, of proving that the parent companies were aware of the working conditions of their suppliers’ employees.
Ugandan oil and gas fields provide potential for union organizing1 October, 2020IndustriALL affiliate UMMOGAWU in Uganda welcomes the agreement between French oil company Total and Uganda’s government for the construction of an over 1,440 km oil pipeline, expected to create up to 16,000 new jobs, and has declared its intention to organize the workers.
Oil and gas union network in Middle East and North Africa grows in strength25 April, 2017The IndustriALL Global Union Middle East and North Africa Oil and Gas network meeting met in Beirut, Lebanon, on 19 and 20 April 2017, to develop strategies for building union power in the region.