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Showing 21-30 of 182 results

Zimbabwean electricity utility continues to deny workers rights

30 August, 2012ZESA continues in its effort to have the electricity workers abandon their wage increases in exchange for the reinstatement of suspended workers, despite an order from the Minister of Energy for ZESA to uphold the arbitration award granting the increase.

Trade union network at John Deere favours social dialogue

26 June, 2017Trade union delegates from all continents where John Deere operates came together and discussed their needs at the growing multinational in Frankfurt, Germany, from 20 to 21 June. 

Botswana affiliates set up IndustriALL National Council

13 May, 2014Brought together by the IndustriALL Sub-Saharan Africa Union Building project, the three IndustriALL affiliates in Botswana met on 10-11 May in Gaborone, Botswana, to discuss, develop and adopt their work plans for the next 3 years.

Lexmark workers dismissed for demanding labour rights

29 March, 2016Workers at Lexmark's factory in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, Mexico are suffering poor working conditions with low pay and unsafe workplaces. When they tried to fight for their rights and organize an independent union, they were unfairly dismissed. IndustriALL Global Union calls on the Conciliation and Arbitration Board (JCA) to order their reinstatement.

Building sectorial union work in Bahrain

11 May, 2016IndustriALL Global Union recently brought together key union leaders from metal, shipbuilding and energy sectors in Bahrain to look at ways of developing sectorial unions, in cooperation with the General Federation of Bahrain Trade Unions (GFBTU).

Thai women launch gender and maternity protection project

20 July, 2016A project to achieve gender equality and improved maternity protection in Thailand was launched in Bangkok on 21 June as part of IndustriALL Global Union’s South East Asia project for women. 

Sri Lanka: workers reveal violence and sexual harassment

21 July, 2016Workers in Sri Lanka revealed experiences of violence, sexual harassment and dangerous working conditions, during an IndustriALL Global Union workshop in Negombo on 11 and 12 July.

IndustriALL pulp and paper network in South East Asia honours Ikhsan and fights forward

31 August, 2017Representing tens of thousands of members, pulp and paper sector trade union affiliates of IndustriALL in South East Asia met in Jakarta, Indonesia on 24-25 August 2017. 

Calls to formalize artisanal and small-scale mining in Africa

29 August, 2019Trade unions in Africa are calling for artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) to be formalized as a way of transforming the sector, following a meeting of IndustriALL Global Union mining affiliates in Johannesburg, South Africa, on 21 and 22 August.

Indian unions call for better working conditions amidst country’s rise as a major chemical and tyre manufacturing hub

19 July, 2023Organising precarious workers, strengthening networks, demanding equal pay for equal work, and workplace health and safety emerged as top priorities for Indian affiliates participating in the chemical, pharmaceutical and tyre sectors meeting, held during 11–13 July.