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Showing 1691-1700 of 1805 results

Inditex GFA in new phase with pilot project in Turkey

9 May, 2013IndustriALL Global Union’s global framework agreement (GFA) with the Spanish-based world’s largest garment retailer Inditex has entered into a new phase of implementation in Turkey through a pilot project bringing together worker and management representatives from supplier factories with training sessions.

New fatal fire as talks continue on Bangladeshi safety plan

9 May, 2013Another factory fire kills eight people, as death toll after Rana Plaza collapse reaches 900 and negotiations between IndustriALL and international clothing brands intensify before the 15 May deadline for a binding fire and building safety plan for Bangladesh.

Egyptian workers raise their free voices

9 May, 2013IndustriALL Global Union continues to give support to the free, independent and democratic trade union movement in Egypt through a special education and training program supported by AFL-CIO’s Solidarity Center via the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC).

Reprisals and dismissals at Honda Mexico

9 May, 2013Honda Mexico has breached a workplace agreement and dismissed five workers in a complicit campaign by the company and local protection union, SETEAMI, to intimidate the workforce.

Valentin Urusov receives international rights award

2 May, 2013Russian unionist Valentin Urusov who was recently freed from prison received the Arthur Svensson International Prize for Trade Union Rights 2013. IndustriALL Global Union supported his nomination for the award.

Rio Tinto anti-union bias confirmed at AGM

25 April, 2013IndustriALL Global Union joined a diverse group of civil society activists, NGOs and community-based organizations in London to protest against Anglo American and Rio Tinto on the occasion of their Annual General Meetings on 18 and 19 April 2013 respectively.

Partial success for mineworkers in Pakistan

22 April, 2013Mine workers at MMC Duddar Mine in Pakistan achieve improved safety and wages after a 9-day strike, but the company still refuses to recognize the union or reinstate 200 dismissed workers.

Condemn the ongoing harsh persecution of Hassan Juma’a

18 April, 2013Click here to send your message to the Iraqi government and denounce the vindictive criminal charges facing trade union leader Hassan Juma’a Awad.

IndustriALL and IF Metall working for solution at Electrolux Thailand

12 April, 2013IndustriALL Global Union together with Swedish-based affiliate IF Metall are actively pushing for a just solution with full reinstatement of all union members at GFA partner Electrolux.

MENA unions support Iraqi oil leader

11 April, 2013IndustriALL affiliates in Middle East and North Africa (MENA) express support to Iraqi oil union leader Hassan Juma’a Awad, who faces criminal charges for organizing strikes. MENA unions pledge to step up efforts on organizing, networking and workers’ rights.