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Showing 1701-1710 of 1850 results

None of the promised change for workers at Apple and its suppliers

6 September, 2013Apple has failed to deliver on the promises of ending abuse of labour rights in its supply chain. The changes to have been made by July this year are sadly absent.

FIOM representatives are back at FIAT

4 September, 2013Long lasting discrimination of the IndustriALL Italian affiliate FIOM-CGIL has come to an end at FIAT.

Leather workers stage protests in Iraq

4 September, 2013In Iraq the State Company of the Leather Industries dismissed 200 workers. In opposition the Federation of Workers Councils & Unions of Iraq (FWCUI) organized a number of protests across the country.

Workers find their voice in Fiji

3 September, 2013Since launching an organising project in May, the National Union of Factory & Commercial Workers (NUFCW) has grown its membership base by 20 per cent.

End to strike at Egypt’s Suez Steel - but struggle continues

29 August, 2013The current dispute over the collective agreement at the Suez Steel plant has been resolved. But as the employer needs to fully recognize trade unions and workers’ rights, IndustriALL Global Union pushes for continued discussions.

Union under attack at GTM Group in Georgia

29 August, 2013IndustriALL protests anti-union stance of GTM Group in Georgia. The company fired several union activists immediately after the creation of the union.

ITUC, IndustriALL meet with Mexican President

26 August, 2013ITUC and IndustriALL meet with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto, who agrees to dialogue and says his government will not persecute independent unions.

Union rights abused in Belarus

20 August, 2013In violation of the national legislation the Belarusian authorities try to close down a local organization of the Radio and Electronics Industry Workers’ Union (REP), an IndustriALL affiliate in Belarus.

A Rio Tinto Classic: Trade Union Rights violation and Dismissal of thousands in Mongolia

20 August, 2013Mass dismissals have taken place at Rio Tinto operations in Mongolia at OT LLC and in Madagascar at QMM. IndustriALL strongly condemns the company’s behaviour and total lack of respect for workers’ rights.

Egyptian Minister intervenes in Suez Steel workers strike

19 August, 2013Arrested strike leaders at Suez Steel, Amr Yusif and Abd-al-Ra’uf, were released after an intervention by the Minister of Manpower and Labour, former president of the Egyptian Federation of Independent Trade Unions (EFITU), Kamal Abu Aita. Meanwhile, the dispute over the implementation of the collective agreement continues.