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Showing 1711-1720 of 1805 results

Owens Illinois glass workers rally across continents

14 February, 2013Rallying against management cuts, the global glass workers alliance of employees at the US-based multinational glass packaging manufacturer Owens Illinois (O-I) conducted simultaneous workplace actions during the week of 4 February.

UAW leads pickets for decent jobs at Flex-N-Gate

14 February, 2013The United Autoworkers (UAW) mobilized together with non-union workers simultaneously at seven plants across the US on 13 February, together calling on their employer Flex-N-Gate to respect their rights to decent work and trade union rights.

60,000 workers march through Mexico City

7 February, 2013The 31 January mass demonstration brought together working people and activists from many sectors including mining, energy, aviation, teaching, telephone and agriculture calling for a new economic and political direction for Mexico.

Foxconn plans union elections in China

7 February, 2013Foxconn, the electronics manufacturing giant, is preparing to conduct elections for a representative labour union in its Chinese factories. The move follows severe criticism from trade unions and human rights groups for workers’ suicides, poor working conditions and employment relations at the company.

Indonesian unions demonstrate their strength in unity

7 February, 2013One day after a massive rally in Jakarta, the leaders of 11 Indonesian unions affiliated to IndustriALL Global Union met and decided to create the IndustriALL Indonesia Council.

People before profit is the call at Africa’s Mining Indaba

7 February, 2013Outside Africa’s annual meeting of mining corporates and senior government officials, activists protested the exclusion of civil society that represent the actual owners of the continent’s huge mineral wealth chanting, “nothing about us without us”.

Textile companies abscond leaving 5,000 jobless in Pakistan

7 February, 2013NTUF is campaigning for 5,000 textile workers rendered jobless after an international exporter absconded and closed two companies, Joe's Fashion Export and J&M Clothing.

Five cement workers killed at Ambuja-Holcim in India

1 February, 2013IndustriALL Global Union affiliated cement contract workers trade union PCSS in India reported a deadly accident on 31 January that killed five workers in Bhatapara, Chhattisgarh India.

Thai Electrolux workers fight against dismissal

31 January, 2013Swedish-based household appliance multinational Electrolux continues to make a mockery of its commitments to uphold minimum labour rights standards throughout its operations, including those made in the Global Framework Agreement (GFA) with IndustriALL Global Union.

Paper workers celebrate victories in Indonesia

31 January, 2013Members of two Indonesian unions, affiliates of IndustriALL through the Federation of Pulp and Paper Workers’ Union (FSP2KI) are celebrating victory in Indonesia.