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Showing 1721-1730 of 1849 results

Peruvian clothing company ignores court ruling

25 June, 2013Nowhere is the expression ‘justice delayed, justice denied’ more true than in the case of the Texpop Corporation in Peru.

Bangladeshi unions reject inadequate labour law changes

13 June, 2013 Bangladeshi union leaders have rejected new labour law proposals drawn up by the government, saying they failed to improve their right to organize workers and guarantee freedom of association.

Italian unions protest against 1,425 layoffs at Indesit

12 June, 2013The Italian trade unions protest against the reorganization announced by the company early in June.

Honda Mexico must stick to its Agreement

6 June, 2013Holding placards, workers at Honda Mexico held a meeting outside the Labour Ministry building in Mexico City on 4 June to demand the reinstatement of dismissed workers and respect for freedom of association.

South African solidarity support for Nissan Mississippi Workers

6 June, 2013A weeklong visit to Numsa by a delegation organized by UAW in the US ended with a solidarity protest at the Japanese Embassy calling for union rights at the Nissan plant in Mississippi, USA.

IndustriALL, UNI and ITUC visit Bangladesh

6 June, 2013A joint mission of IndustriALL, UNI and ITUC visits Dhaka to push for a labour law reform and implementation of the historic Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh which more than 40 leading clothing brands have signed.

Sit-in in support of Maruti Suzuki workers

30 May, 2013On 27 May members of Indian unions staged protest action to render their support to Maruti Suzuki workers.

IndustriALL Executive Committee pays homage to Marcello Malentacchi

29 May, 2013IndustriALL Global Union’s Executive Committee grieves for Marcello Malentacchi and the 1,127 Bangladeshi garment workers killed at Rana Plaza, while welcoming the binding Accord with the leading clothing brands on fire and building safety.

Unprotected strike at Mercedes-Benz South Africa

28 May, 2013A three day unprotected strike ended at Mercedes Benz with workers returning to work while the Numsa takes up their issues through negotiations.

A First national strike in Egypt

23 May, 2013This week saw striking workers resume work at state-owned North Cairo Electricity Distribution Company (NCEDC), after detained workers were released and management retracted a plan to remove certain bonuses.