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Showing 31-40 of 1756 results

Thai Electrolux workers fight against dismissal

31 January, 2013Swedish-based household appliance multinational Electrolux continues to make a mockery of its commitments to uphold minimum labour rights standards throughout its operations, including those made in the Global Framework Agreement (GFA) with IndustriALL Global Union.

Mexico’s Supreme Court unfairly rules against SME

31 January, 2013Disgrace for Mexico’s Supreme Court as three out of five of its members vote to overturn an appellate court judgement to reemploy over 16,000 electrician workers of the SME union, sacked en-masse in 2009.

Copper company busts union in Kazakhstan

17 January, 2013Activists of the Trade Union of Mining & Metallurgy Workers of Republic of Kazakhstan (TUMMWRK) are under pressure to quit their union and join the company-controlled one. IndustriALL offers global solidarity.

Workers at Italcementi prepare for a national strike

20 April, 2016The Italian unions Feneal Uil, Filca Cisl and Cgil Fillea representing Italcementi cement workers, have announced a strike in response to the industrial plan proposed by the government, which may result in 415 dismissals this year and further 250 redundancies in 2017.

Worker rights violations under spotlight at the ILO

16 June, 2016The ILO Committee on Application of Standards at the 2016 International Labour Conference in Geneva heard testimonies from workers around the world facing increased repression and difficulties in exercising their rights enshrined in ILO Conventions.

Colombia: USO victory as oilfield comes under state control

7 July, 2016After a five-year campaign, Colombian oil workers’ union USO, has won a major victory as state-owned oil company, Ecopetrol, takes full control of the country’s largest oilfield at Campo Rubiales.

200,000 Argentinean workers march against dismissals and price hikes

7 September, 2016Expressing their opposition to dismissals and huge price rises during three days of protests, 200,000 workers took to the streets in a nationwide march on 2 September.

Nuclear workers protest in Ukraine

19 April, 201812,000 members of IndustriALL affiliate Nuclear Power and Industry Workers Union of Ukraine (Atomprofspilka) protested in eight different cities on 12 April to protest a state policy of low energy tariffs, which result in low pay for workers.

Court rules in favour of chemical workers at Rustavi Azot in Georgia

5 April, 2018A local court in Georgia has ruled that 56 employees of the Rustavi Azot chemical plant should be reinstated and that the company should pay their outstanding salaries of more than a year.

From cardboard to plastics - threat of job losses looms over workers in Saint Lucia

11 April, 2018As banana exporter Winfresh has announced a move from carboard cartons produced in St Lucia to plastic crates imported from the US, the National Workers’ Union of St Lucia is fighting to save 150 jobs.