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Showing 691-700 of 732 results

Human Rights Watch exposes hazards tanneries in Bangladesh

18 October, 2012HRW releases an extremely alarming report on leather tanneries poisoning workers and damaging local communities in Hazaribagh, Bangladesh.

Implats target of Num march

18 October, 2012Over 2,000 members and supporters of the National Union of Mineworkers (Num) marched to Impala Platinum’s Johannesburg headquaters on Saturday 13 October 2012 to protest union bashing and undermining of the collective bargaining system, which has been the trigger to the current labour issues being experienced in the mining sector.

Textile workers demand support to fire-victims in Bangladesh

18 October, 2012A huge rally took place in Dhaka, Bangladesh on 12 October following a fire that burnt down the homes and seriously affected the lives of 4,000 Bangladeshi textile workers on 7 October 2012.

Murder of unionists condemned as labour unrest spreads in South Africa’s mines

11 October, 2012IndustriALL strongly condemns the murders of several shopfloor leaders belonging to the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) in this trying time for industrial relations in South Africa and amidst spreading labour unrest in the mining sector.

Another victory for SME!

11 October, 2012Court rules that the termination of electricity workers’ employment contracts was invalid and that the Mexican Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) is their new employer.

Arthur Svensson`s International Prize 2013 is open for nominations

11 October, 2012The committee of Arthur Svensson`s International Prize for Union Rights announced it has started accepting nominations for 2013.

IndustriALL joins with Ssangyong workers in demand for justice

10 October, 2012In 2009 the South Korean government shocked the international community by its use of lethal force against the Ssangyong Motor workers. At the time, the workers were in a 77-day sit-down strike calling for negotiations on work-sharing measures to avoid mass dismissals.

Turkish Parliament debates union legislation without genuine rights

9 October, 2012IndustriALL sends letter of protest as the Grand National Assembly of Turkey is considering a draft Collective Labour Relations’ Act that replaces two laws in vigour despite criticism from the global union movement and the International Labour Organization (ILO).

Take Action for striking Colombian oil workers

4 October, 2012IndustriALL Global Union calls on its members to express their support for affiliated Unión Sindical Obrera (USO) and the 1,100 striking contract workers in conflict with an oilfield services company in the central Colombian municipality of Puerto Gaitán, as mass work stoppages were met with police aggression yesterday.

Apple’s new products increase pressure on Foxconn workers

27 September, 2012On Monday clashes came across Foxconn's plant in Taiyuan, Shanxi province, China. Reports indicate the 79,000 workers employed at the Foxconn plant in Taiyuan are not that thrilled with the newly released iPhone 5, being forced to work under increased pressure to meet Apple’s deadlines.