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Showing 561-570 of 646 results

Maruti Suzuki workers prepare hunger strike in India

12 July, 2013For the workers at the Maruti Suzuki plant in India, 18 July marks an unwanted anniversary filled with flagrant anti-union behavior from the police and authorities. Attempting to put end to the repression, a hunger strike is planned.

IndustriALL reacts against union-busting of Birleşik Metal-İş in Turkey

27 June, 2013Turkish auto parts manufacturer Arobus Argen, and wheel manufacturer Tekersan are breaking national and international labour law by strongly cracking down on workers organizing into the IndustriALL-affiliated Birleşik Metal-İş, including by sacking employees in three factories.

Unionists of the world ride for workers’ rights

13 June, 2013On Wednesday 12 June trade union leaders and activists from around the world joined together to participate in a bicycle ride called ‘Route of Shame’ to visit missions and embassies in Geneva, Switzerland and draw attention to countries consistently violating workers’ rights.

Swazi trade unionist Wonder Mkhonza released on bail

16 May, 2013Asked whether this experience will dampen his political activism, Wonder Mkhonza replies “Of course not! The threat of jail can no longer dent our spirit as we push for democracy in Swaziland”.

Significant progress in electricity workers dispute

15 May, 2013Members of the Sindicato Mexicano de Electricistas (SME) remain united and are actively participating in the fight for reinstatement.

Intimidation and violence in Swaziland on May Day

2 May, 2013May Day actions in Swaziland were called off after police unleashed violence on workers that had gathered at a rally organized by labour federation Tucoswa.

Indonesian textile workers reach agreement with Adidas

25 April, 2013On 24 April 2013 Adidas and Indonesia Coordinating Committee of PT Kizone Workers and their union, DPC SPTSK-SPSI, announced an agreement potentially ending a 2 year long dispute.

Bangladeshi garment workers crushed to death

24 April, 2013In what is likely to be the worst ever industrial accident in Bangladesh more than 100 garment workers have died and hundreds more are injured. The tragedy occurred at 9am, 24 April, at the eight-story Rana Plaza building in Savar, 30 kilometres outside Dhaka.

Call for the release of trade unionist Wonder Mkhonza charged with sedition in Swaziland

24 April, 2013IndustriALL Global Union condemns the arrest of Comrade Wonder Mkhonza, Deputy General Secretary of the Swaziland Processing, Refining and Allied Workers Union.

Bargaining victory for Zewu at last

18 April, 2013The Zimbabwe Electricity Workers' Union (Zewu) scored a landmark victory against Zesa Holdings on 8 April after the court found that the company had contravened the Labour Act by not complying with the registered collective bargaining agreement.