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Showing 581-590 of 633 results

Indocement criminalizes union leader in Indonesia

17 January, 2013Cement company PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa tries to bust the union and criminalize its leader, Edi Iriawadi, through charges of abuse of power and creating a public disturbance.

Union under attack at Bashneft in Russia

20 December, 2012Bashneft management is striving to wipe out locals of the Russian Chemical and Allied Workers Union (RCWU) at its plants and replace them with so-called Labour Councils, company-controlled bodies. IndustriALL-affiliated RCWU is fighting back with a national campaign of protest.

Blatant violation of labour rights at Benteler in Russia

13 December, 2012Dmitry Khokhlov, an assembly line operator at Benteler, a VW supplier in Kaluga, Russia, and a union activist, was rehired in accordance with a court decision — and then immediately fired again. Benteler HR director said the court’s order ‘goes against corporate ethics’.

Palestinian shoe and leather workers go on strike

6 December, 2012Workers of the Malhees Company, operating in the leather and shoe industry, members of the General Union of Petrochemical Workers in Palestine declared a general strike in the city of Nablus on 3 December 2012.

Union busting at DESA in Turkey soars

6 December, 2012TAKE ACTION in support of members of the Leather and Shoe Workers’ Union (Deri-Is) facing systematic pressure and discrimination at DESA’s leather factories in Turkey.

Excellon’s denials debunked

5 December, 2012IndustriALL Global Union challenges claims by the Canadian mining company Excellon that all is well at its operations in Durango in Mexico.

ILO issues recommendations to Russia and Belarus

22 November, 2012The International Labour Organization's Committee on Freedom of Association issued recommendations to Russia and Belarus on cases 2758 and 2090 initiated on the basis of complaints submitted by national unions with the support of IndustriALL Global Union.

South African workers' protest violently put down at Xstrata

14 November, 2012In the third incident of violent police action at Xstrata’s South African Kroondal operations in a week, police fired on mineworkers during a protest on 13 November, arresting 37 including shop stewards.

The struggle continues at Zesa

8 November, 2012IndustriALL Assistant General Secretary Fernando Lopes visited Zimbabwe to give support to the Zimbabwean Energy Workers Union (Zewu) battling violations of worker and trade union rights at the state owned utility Zesa.

IndustriALL-LabourStart-Amnesty International-PRODESC join forces for Mexican miners

8 November, 2012Under a joint banner of IndustriALL, LabourStart, Amnesty International, and Mexican NGO PRODESC, an online petition was launched yesterday decrying the forceful demolition of a workers’ protest camp at Excellon’s La Platosa mine, Mexico.