Kyrgyzstan: controversial trade union law vetoed28 May, 2021The law on trade unions that would seriously undermine freedom of association in Kyrgyzstan and deprive unions of their independence was vetoed by the President on 27 May.
Indonesia: violent response to union strike 19 October, 2020Workers and unions in Indonesia who went on a national strike on 6-8 October after the country’s Parliament passed the controversial Omnibus law, were met with violence and arbitrary arrests.
Finnish forest company UPM attacks workers’ fundamental rights19 March, 2021One month after promises to conduct collective bargaining, the Finnish forest industry company UPM, announced in the beginning of February 2021 that it would no longer negotiate collectively on wages, bonuses, sick leave pay, maternity or paternity leaves thus violating its workers fundamental rights at work. The company employees demand that the terms of their work should be negotiated collectively with the unions representing them.
Interim win against Kyrgyzstan’s anti-union draft law 12 March, 2021Kyrgyzstan’s parliament has postponed the third reading of the anti-union draft law, as a result of the Kyrgyz unions’ fight with international solidarity campaign. But the struggle will only be over once the draft law is wholly abandoned.
New Kyrgyz trade union law must be revoked8 April, 2021IndustriALL, together with ITUC and other global unions, support Kyrgyz unions urging the President to veto the law on trade unions that would deprive workers of freedom of association.
ILO adopts resolution calling for a return to democracy in Myanmar23 June, 2021After rejecting the credentials of the illegitimate military junta of Myanmar, the International Labour Conference (ILC) adopted an important resolution on Myanmar, calling for the restoration of democracy and respect of human rights in the country.
Unpaid wages at Victoria’s Secret supplier in Thailand28 June, 2021300 garment workers producing for lingerie giant Victoria’s Secret protested against unpaid wages and severance pay in front of Brilliant Alliance Thai Global Ltd. (BAT) in Thailand.
Trade union harassment continues in Belarus23 March, 2022The situation for trade unions in Belarus continues to deteriorate with union offices being searched and union leaders detained by the police.
Unfair treatment of union members at Molex Malaysia30 March, 2022IndustriALL affiliate EIEUNR is fighting union busting at electronic components manufacturer Molex, one of Apple’s suppliers in Malaysia.
Eswatini garment workers continue strike amid intimidation and harassment5 May, 2022Despite intimidation by security forces, textile and garment workers in Eswatini are continuing their strike for living wages. Five weeks into the strike, the workers are reiterating their request for at least E15 per hour or E2983 (US$183) per month.