ITUC and Belgian trade union centres at Mexican Embassy28 February, 2013Representatives of the Belgian trade union centres and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) met on 22 February with Hermann Aschentrupp, head of chancery at the Mexican embassy in Belgium.
Swedes mark Mexico days of action28 February, 2013IndustriALL Global Union’s Swedish-based affiliate IF Metall, representing 370,000 blue collar workers in mining, metal, chemical and textile sectors, marked the international days of action for trade union rights in Mexico with a comprehensive meeting with the Mexican Ambassador to Sweden, Jorge Lomónaco, and a strong letter to President Peña Nieto, putting forward demands in line with the international campaign.
Mexican Government denounced again in ILO for violating freedom of association19 June, 2018Ten trade unions have denounced the Mexican government's serious and repeated cases of violations to ILO C87 on freedom of association.
CTM goons viciously assault Mexican miners’ organizer11 March, 2015A union activist of the IndustriALL Mexican affiliate National Miners’ Union SNTMMSRM, also known as Los Mineros, has been severely beaten at the Gunderson railcar plant owned by the Greenbrier companies in Monclova, Coahuila state of Mexico.
IndustriALL mobilizes against grotesque labour law reform in Mexico18 April, 2018With a vote looming in the Mexican Senate on labour reform proposals, the next two weeks will be crucial in the decades-long struggle to secure labour justice for Mexican workers. Affiliates in Latin America and the Caribbean have been called upon to urge the Senate to reject the controversial proposals.
Apparel brands urge Mexico to comply with ILO recommendations1 October, 2015On 22 September, eight major apparel brands released a joint letter urging Mexico’s government to comply with an ILO request for reforms to the country’s Federal Labour Law to ensure greater respect for the right of workers to freedom of association and collective bargaining.
Bata worker in Mexico arrested17 September, 2015The Bata shoe company, a multinational that holds itself up as a paragon of responsible capitalism, is responsible for the detention without bail of one Mexican worker and the threat of imminent arrest of eight others for doing nothing more than demanding that the company end the lock-out of its workforce.
Disastrous labour reform passed in Mexico20 November, 2012The anti-worker labour legislation reform in Mexico was passed on 13 November under the neoliberal lie that greater flexibility for employers to sack workers will create jobs and improve the economy.
Mexico campaign materials 20135 February, 2013Download posters, background information and model letters here.
US unions take action on Mexico6 February, 2013Unions and worker rights supporters took action across the US as part of the Mexico Days of Action 18 to 24 February 2013.