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Showing 41-50 of 144 results

Shell’s hidden shame - Contract workers on the poverty line in Nigeria

5 December, 2018Oscar Tamuno*, a driver for major Shell contractor, Plantgeria, has not had a wage increase in eight years. After paying taxes, pension contributions and union dues, he takes home 94,000 naira a month (US$258) working a 12-hour day, six days a week. And yet, Oscar is better off than many of his co-workers.* Not his real name.

PROFILE: The Malaysian manufacturing union fighting to change labour law to make organizing more effective

4 December, 2018Gopal Kishnam is general secretary of the National Union of Transport Equipment and Allied workers in Malaysia (NUTEAIW). He says that organizing and changing the country’s labour laws are among the priorities for the union.

Welcome to global worker

20 May, 2019This issue of Global Worker is published at a time when the global political and economic climate continues to deteriorate. 

PROFILE: TUMEC - organizing and defending Congolese workers’ rights

25 April, 2018IndustriALL Global Union affiliate in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Travailleurs Unis des Mines, Métallurgies, Energie, Chimie et Industries Connexes (TUMEC), is committed to fighting for workers’ rights, better pay, improved health and safety, and to organizing women. 

REPORT: Seeking sustainable industrial policies for Latin America

24 April, 2018IndustriALL Global Union encourages its unions throughout the world to develop sustainable industrial policies. But this can be challenging, especially for IndustriALL affiliates in Latin America and the Caribbean - a developing region where neoliberal policies are once again back on the agenda and threatening workers’ rights.

Valter Sanches: Welcome to the Global Worker (#1-2021)

22 April, 2021It has been over a year since large parts of the world ground to a halt as our lives were overcome by the Covid-19 pandemic. The virus is still wreaking havoc, and hospitalizations and deaths continue. By the time we close this edition the world counts more than 140 million cases and more than 3 million deaths. The social consequences follow with the elimination of over 300 million formal jobs and 1.6 million informal ones.

GEORGIA: successful organizing in difficult conditions

27 November, 2013With its abridged 2006 Labour Code, subject to an ILO complaint, and multiple rights violations, Georgia is a difficult place for union organizing. And yet, in just three years the Trade Union of Metallurgy, Mining and Chemical Industry Workers of Georgia (TUMMCIWG) has more than tripled its membership.

PROFILE: Merger in Canada creates super union

28 November, 2013Two of IndustriALL Global Union’s affiliates in Canada, CAW and CEP, have joined forces to form a new trade union, Unifor. The new Canadian super union represents 300,000 workers in industry and services. New president Jerry Dias pledges focus on organizing and communities.

OPINION: What is beyond COP21?

14 June, 2016Why is climate change a union issue? A transformation is coming, whether the
 world takes action on 
climate change or takes
 no action and awaits the consequences. We must not allow it to become a violent scramble for resources 
such as water, energy, and fertile land that completely dismisses workers’ rights and social protection. 

Sub Sahara Africa automotive sector: potential to boost manufacturing and create decent jobs

8 September, 2020Multinational vehicle manufacturers currently setting up production plants in Angola, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa and other countries, are a clear indicator that there is potential to boost manufacturing for the sector in Sub Saharan Africa (SSA). With demand for vehicles slowing down in developed countries and growing in emerging economies, including SSA, there is an opportunity for the sector to grow to meet domestic demand.