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Showing 5211-5220 of 5738 results

Iran: 10 detained after protests over unpaid wages of 4,000 steel workers

6 March, 2018IndustriALL Global Union is calling for the immediate release of ten steel mill workers detained after protests against unpaid wages of 4,000 workers at the Iran National Steel Industrial Group in Ahvaz. 

Zambia: Dangote confronted over union busting

22 March, 2018IndustriALL affiliates, the National Union of Commercial and Industrial Workers and the Mineworkers Union of Zambia are fighting against African multinational cement company, Dangote, for violating workers’ rights to organize, freedom of association, and for failing to recognize collective bargaining rights.

Victory as strike ends at Rio Tinto QMM in Fort-Dauphin, Madagascar

14 March, 2018Workers at Rio Tinto’s QIT Madagascar Minerals (QMM) operations downed tools twice in five days over management’s violation of their collective bargaining agreement relative to salary increases.  About 320 permanent workers out of 480 went out strike on 8 March.

Workers strike at South African solar plant

15 March, 2018Ninety members of the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) from Abengoa Solar’s power plant in the Northern Cape are on strike to demand higher wages and benefits.

Global unions target Algerian government as ILO mission is cancelled

19 April, 2018Global unions have launched an online campaign against the Algerian government after an International Labour Organization (ILO) mission to the country was cancelled.

Global unions demand an end to workers’ rights violations in Belarus

19 April, 2018Fourteen years after the adoption of the recommendations of the ILO Commission of Inquiry in Belarus, trade unions still suffer interference in their internal affairs.

Meeting recommends policies to end women workers’ rights violations in Sub Saharan Africa

13 April, 2018During a campaign for maternity protection in Nigeria, Oluchi Okorie, from IndustriALL Global Union affiliate, the Nigerian Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas workers union, was asked by employers: “What is your problem? Are you pregnant?” Similar questions, that made fun of organizers, were common to those championing women workers’ rights at the workplace. They were also even ignored when they tried to speak in meetings at work.

Changing behaviours - organizing in Myanmar

16 April, 2018Yes, a Korean-owned garment factory in Yangon, Myanmar, is in some ways a rarity among the many other factories found in the township Hlaing Thar Yar. Workers here have formed a trade union and have negotiated a collective agreement with management.

Iraqi electricity workers fight precarious work

11 April, 2018IndustriALL affiliate the General Trade Union of Electricity Sector Employees of Iraq (GTUESE) is fighting temporary work in the Iraqi electricity sector. They have staged a series of protests in front of government ministries and opened negotiations by meeting high level government officials.

Japanese metalworkers celebrate wage increase

27 March, 2018Based on the financial results of 2017 and following a series of negotiations between unions and management of major Japanese metalworking companies, workers will receive a substantial wage increase this year. Smaller and medium size companies often suppliers to the big corporations of the sector will follow.