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Showing 5311-5320 of 5851 results

Justice for 56 illegally dismissed chemical workers in Georgia

4 February, 2020The Supreme Court of Georgia confirmed on 29 January, the decisions of two lower courts to oblige Rustavi Azot chemical plant to reinstate 56 employees with payment of their due wages for the past three years.

Union signs historic agreement with Ternium Guatemala

21 February, 2020After an eight-year struggle, Sitraternium signed an collective agreement with Ternium Guatemala on 29 January.

Union responses to Covid-19

26 March, 2020The novel coronavirus, and the disease it causes, COVID-19, is leading to an unfolding public health, economic and employment crisis. Unions around the world are responding to the rapidly evolving situation, defending workers' rights and promoting social solidarity.

Sri Lankan union protects workers amid Covid-19

31 March, 2020The Sri Lankan government took action as IndustriALL affiliate FTZ&GSEU’s called to transport workers stranded in boarding houses in free trade zones back to their homes. Now the union is urging the government to ensure due wages are paid. 

Peru’s government puts economic interests before miners’ safety

23 March, 2020Even though Peru’s government has introduced a curfew and state of emergency, mineworkers still have to go to work without any virus-protection measures. 

Kazakh union leader Erlan Baltabay released

23 March, 2020On 20 March, Erlan Baltabay, leader of the Independent Oil and Energy Workers’ Union in Kazakhstan, was released from prison.  

IndustriALL urges Madagascar to ratify C176

24 March, 2020IndustriALL Global Union and its affiliates in Madagascar are intensifying demands for the ratification of the International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention 176 on safety and health in mines.

African trade unions want mining companies to follow COVID-19 protocols

25 March, 2020Mining unions in Sub Saharan Africa are calling for due diligence and adherence to health and safety standards, and national and supranational protocols to contain the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19). These calls come amidst national states of disasters and lockdowns in most countries.

Indian Saint-Gobain worker dismissed for occupational illness

17 March, 2020A former Saint-Gobain Crystals and Detectors worker in Bangalore, India, Jayaraj Mathangi, was fired for abstenteeism after developing severe health problems due to hazards he was exposed to at work.

A world of work free of violence and harassment

27 February, 20208 March, International Women’s Day, provides an important moment to promote the new ILO Convention 190 on violence and harassment in the world of work, and to call for its ratification.