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Showing 5411-5420 of 5770 results

2010 Pike River tragedy “accident waiting to happen”

8 November, 2012Almost two years after the tragic mine accident at Pike River, New Zealand that killed 29 miners, the Royal Commission of Inquiry published its damning report this week illustrating an “unrelenting picture of failure at virtually every level”.

Support continues for Gerdau workers in Colombia

8 November, 2012It was decided in the Gerdau Workers World Council that workers around the world would come together and demand respect for workers at Brazilian multinational Gerdau in Colombia.

The struggle continues at Zesa

8 November, 2012IndustriALL Assistant General Secretary Fernando Lopes visited Zimbabwe to give support to the Zimbabwean Energy Workers Union (Zewu) battling violations of worker and trade union rights at the state owned utility Zesa.

Chilean workers discuss new trade union structure

8 November, 2012A further step is made towards building a new unifying trade union structure for stronger collective bargaining in Chile.

IndustriALL-LabourStart-Amnesty International-PRODESC join forces for Mexican miners

8 November, 2012Under a joint banner of IndustriALL, LabourStart, Amnesty International, and Mexican NGO PRODESC, an online petition was launched yesterday decrying the forceful demolition of a workers’ protest camp at Excellon’s La Platosa mine, Mexico.

Finnish unions stand up for young workers

7 November, 2012Finnish trade union confederations and SASK reject proposals on cutting wages and salaries for young workers.

Victory for Texim workers in Turkey

7 November, 2012After 4 months of struggle and the insistent campaigning of Texim workers, the union’s key demands for recognition of fundamental workers’ rights and reinstatement have been accepted.

Cold Facts: H&M garments produced in miserable working conditions in Cambodia

6 November, 2012Kalla Fakta (Cold Facts), an investigative Swedish TV show on 24 October, exposed poor working and living conditions under which H&M, one of the leading fashion brand’s garment products are produced.

MUZ leaders commit to union rebuilding

6 November, 2012In order to assist in rebuilding union membership, IndustriALL held an organizing and collective bargaining workshop with the Mineworkers Union of Zambia (MUZ).

Colombian women get involved in trade union activities

6 November, 2012At an IndustriALL national seminar for Colombian women, participants agreed to communicate IndustriALL Global Union’s action plan to their colleagues.