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Showing 21-30 of 5831 results


12 March, 2019Type your title hereType your captionYadda yadda

White-collar workers

3 June, 2019 White-collar worker:A white-collar worker is someone whose work is involved primarily in obtaining, handling, using, manipulating, analyzing and distributing information and knowledge as opposed to goods or products – even if they touch the good or product at times


18 June, 2012 Titular Substitute 1GRAHAM SharonGBRDUBBINS SimonGBR2RICKHUSS RoyGBRMCCORMACK GerryGBR3GAROFALO Nora (15 May 2024 - 14 January 2025)ITATOLENTINO Alessandra (15 May 2024 - 14 January 2025)

Chemical, pharmaceutical and bio-science

8 March, 2019Chemical, pharmaceutical and bio-scienceIndustriALL Global Union has a wide range of activities in the chemical pharmaceutical & bioscience sectors, including global framework agreements, global and regional company-level and sub-sectoral networks and various social dialogue drives. There are also initiatives with intergovernmental organizations on labour-related matters, sustainable development, industrial policy and health & safety issues.


8 March, 2019AutomotiveThe automotive sector, jointly with affiliates, focuses on building global networks of workers and unions and aims at engaging automotive companies and their suppliers to protect the interests of workers in the sector. Union strategies are built through facilitation of exchange of information on sector trends and developments.

South East Asia

11 March, 2019South East Asia officeAdd


14 June, 2012Archive of the articles written by the former organizations: International Metalworkers' Federation (IMF), International Federation of Chemical, Energy, Mine and General Workers' Unions (ICEM) and International Textile, Garment and Leather Workers Federation (ITGLWF).

Action Plan 2021-2025

1 November, 2016Another world is possible and necessary. To achieve it, we need global union solidarity and cooperation for peace, democracy and rights. Our mission is to secure social justice, equality and equity, with a decent standard of living for all. 

All news

14 June, 2012

Sign up and take action

14 June, 2012your rightsTell us about what is happening in your workplace and your union by sending news, photos and videos to: [email protected] actionTake action with IndustriALL by subscribing to regular ACT NOW alerts and weekly HEADLINES at:http://www.industriall-union.org/actnowyour unionFollow the work of your global union by subscribing to the monthly newsletter IndustriALL @work at: http://www.industriall-union.org/newsletter