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Showing 5271-5280 of 5738 results

HeidelbergCement workers in Europe support Global Framework Agreement

16 September, 2016On 13-15 September, more than 30 workers’ representatives of HeidelbergCement and former Italcementi gathered in Hockenheim, Germany.

Cambodian garment unions unite on US$180 demand

6 September, 2016Garment and footwear unions in Cambodia have agreed to demand US$179.60 as the monthly minimum wage for 2017, during a weekend of talks organized by IndustriALL Global Union, FES and the American Center for International Labor Solidarity.

Unions demand global measures against Chinese steel dumping

13 September, 2016Trade union representatives from IndustriALL Global Union, IndustriAll Europe, USW, UNITE and Community called for a global strategy to combat steel dumping at the 81th session of the OECD’s Steel Committee in Paris last week.

Rio Tinto undermining right to strike

16 March, 2016Rio Tinto has escalated a labour dispute at its aluminium smelter in Iceland by proposing that contractors be denied the right to strike. The company is also proposing to expand the use of lower paid contractors at the site.

Jyrki Raina visits Chile to support affiliates

17 March, 2016Jyrki Raina, IndustriALL General Secretary, spoke at a press conference at the Santiago offices of the Chilean trade union centre, the Central Unitaria de Trabajadores  (CUT), on 14 March to express support for IndustriALL affiliates and their campaign for labour reform.

The unions on the frontline of the feminist struggle

10 March, 2016Unions are setting new precedents for women's rights across the world.

Rio Tinto Bunder project: un-kept promises for workers and communities

24 February, 2016At the end of January, IndustriALL Global Union and the Indian National Mineworkers Federation (INMWF) visited Chattarpur, in Madhya Pradesh, India, where Rio Tinto is waiting for approval to develop a 300-metre-deep open-pit diamond mine.  

Ukrainian coal miners demand industry support

18 March, 2016Around 500 coal miners from all over Ukraine gathered in Kiev on 17 March and picketed the parliament building demanding it adopt two draft laws to settle some pressing socio-economical issues of the Ukrainian coal mining industry. 

Global Finmeccanica trade union network established

19 April, 2016On 19 April 2016, meeting in Rome, trade unions representing Finmeccanica workers established a new global network to coordinate and build workers’ power.

UK government agrees to part-nationalize steel plant after union campaign

22 April, 2016The UK government has confirmed that it is willing to take a 25 per cent stake in the troubled Tata Steel plant in Port Talbot, Wales, as part of a rescue package.