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Showing 5551-5560 of 5851 results

Long struggle brings lasting compensation to families of shipbreaking workers in Alang

11 October, 2012A three-year struggle by IndustriALL and its affiliates in India results in families of deceased shipbreaking workers receiving compensation and the further strengthening of the union in the shipbreaking yards in Alang.

Murder of unionists condemned as labour unrest spreads in South Africa’s mines

11 October, 2012IndustriALL strongly condemns the murders of several shopfloor leaders belonging to the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) in this trying time for industrial relations in South Africa and amidst spreading labour unrest in the mining sector.


11 October, 2012IndustriALL affiliate actions to STOP Precarious Work

Another victory for SME!

11 October, 2012Court rules that the termination of electricity workers’ employment contracts was invalid and that the Mexican Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) is their new employer.


11 October, 2012IndustriALL affiliate actions to STOP Precarious Work


11 October, 2012IndustriALL affiliate actions to STOP Precarious Work

FID challenges IAM Gold dismissals in Burkina Faso

11 October, 2012Federation des Industries Diverses du Burkina (FID), an IndustriALL Global Union affiliate, will represent 61 of the 74 workers dismissed by IAM Gold on 10 May 2012 at the labour court.

Landmark victory for UWUL in Liberia

11 October, 2012On 29 September 2012 the United Workers' Union of Liberia won a landmark union representation election at Putu Iron Ore Mine in Grand Gedeh County and at their corporate office in Monrovia.

Unions around the world mobilize against precarious work

11 October, 2012This 7 October, the World Day for Decent Work, worldwide attention has been drawn to the negative impacts of precarious work with the release of IndustriALL Global Union’s report “The Triangular Trap” and with huge numbers of unions mobilizing across the globe. Workers in Europe have also mobilized under the banner of IndustriAll European Trade Union to “Bring Decency Back to Work” and stand up for industry in Europe.


11 October, 2012IndustriALL affiliate actions to STOP Precarious Work