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Showing 101-110 of 164 results

Demonstrations in Uruguay, Argentina and Brazil in defence of democracy

7 April, 2016IndustriALL’s affiliates in Uruguay, Argentina and Brazil participated in a day of action held simultaneously in the three countries in support of the Brazilian president, Dilma Rousseff, democracy and the rule of law.

IndustriALL backs Lula against right wing attacks

11 March, 2016IndustriALL joins unions across the world in voicing support for former Brazilian president President Luis Inácio Lula Da Silva.  

Nissan workers use dialogue and demonstration to advance their cause

22 February, 2016Three trade union centres in Brazil are using a combination of dialogue and demonstration to advance the cause of Nissan workers. They organized a demonstration and a meeting with the Organizing Committee of the 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games, to be held in Rio de Janeiro. They demanded that Nissan should be made to observe the terms of its official sponsorship deal and not violate human rights in the company’s supply chain. 

Nissan – Not fit to be an Olympic sponsor

18 February, 2016Nissan is under fire from trade unions that say the car company is breaking Olympic guidelines for sponsors of the Rio 2016 Games. 

Brazilian metalworkers’ prepare for industry challenges

22 January, 2016IndustriALL Global Union Brazilian affiliate, CNM/CUT, is addressing the challenges facing industry with a workshop and book launch on 22 January in Porto Alegre, Brazil. 

AkzoNobel Latin American trade union network builds joint demands

18 December, 2015The network of trade unions at Dutch chemicals and paint company AkzoNobel conducted a two-day activity on 30 November and 1 December in São Paulo, Brazil, including a social dialogue session with company management.

International Paper trade union network meets in Brazil

30 November, 2015US-owned International Paper (IP) is the largest paper producing company in the world, employing 65,000 people in 34 countries. Despite year-on-year growth in revenue and production, workers’ conditions remain the same and in some plants are falling. So what’s going wrong?

IndustriALL in solidarity with CNM/CUT after attack

26 November, 2015The offices of the National Confederation of Metalworkers (CNM-CUT) in Brazil, an IndustriALL affiliate, were attacked on 25 November. IndustriALL abhors the violence and expresses its solidarity with the workers.

Gerdau workers in Brazil face anti-trade union practices

26 November, 2015The Brazilian company Gerdau’s anti-trade union practices are violating the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining. IndustriALL calls on the company to respect workers’ rights in Brazil and expresses its total support and solidarity for the workers.

Brazil – mining flood destroys everything in its way

24 November, 2015IndustriALL offers its solidarity to the residents and workers of Mariana, Brazil, victims of the environmental disaster caused by the collapse of a dam at a mine owned by Samarco Mineração S.A. The tide of toxic sludge has killed nine people, flora and fauna, and 19 people are still missing.