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Showing 21-30 of 190 results

Los Mineros complete ten years on strike against Grupo Mexico

3 August, 2017Ten years ago, three legal strikes broke out on health and safety issues in Grupo Mexico mines. The fight still continues against a company that is incapable of acknowledging its responsibility for tragedies caused by its negligence.

Los Mineros victory at Teksid

24 April, 2014Settlement was reached at 6:30pm on 22 April ending a strike and replacing the CTM with Los Mineros as the official bargaining partner at Teksid Iron in Monclova, Coahuila.

Mexican steel company dismisses striking workers

24 June, 2014CB&I Matamoros is carrying out mass dismissals in Mexico after 350 workers went on strike on 3 June for better working conditions. IndustriALL calls on the company to stop reprisals, reinstate the dismissed workers and respect freedom of association.

Prestigious Norwegian award for Mexican trade union struggle

13 June, 2014At the ceremony for the Arthur Svensson International Prize for trade union rights in Oslo, winner Napoleón Gómez Urrutia’s wife accepted the award on his behalf. With death threats and arrest orders hanging over his head, the Mexican trade union leader remained in Canada.

Mexican electrical workers: five years of struggle – still standing, looking to the future and resisting

17 October, 2014On 11 October 2009, 44,000 employees of the state-owned utility company, Luz y Fuerza del Centro (LyFC), supplier of electricity to the central regions of Mexico, were literally thrown out on to the streets after a presidential decree issued by then President Felipe Calderón Hinojosa shut down the company.

Honda Mexico – reinstated worker fired again

5 December, 2014Honda Mexico has again shown its anti-union policies and readiness to violate the freedom of association and labour rights by dismissing for a second time Raúl Celestino Pallares Cardoza, Records Secretary of the Honda Mexico workers’ democratic trade union, STUHM.

Lexmark workers dismissed for demanding labour rights

29 March, 2016Workers at Lexmark's factory in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, Mexico are suffering poor working conditions with low pay and unsafe workplaces. When they tried to fight for their rights and organize an independent union, they were unfairly dismissed. IndustriALL Global Union calls on the Conciliation and Arbitration Board (JCA) to order their reinstatement.

Grupo Mexico attacks Cananea workers during protest

25 August, 2017Grupo Mexico has again used private security forces to evict a group of workers and former workers from the Cananea mine. The workers were protesting to demand benefits owed to them by the company. 

Mexican trade unions and social organizations march against renegotiation of NAFTA

22 August, 2017Trade unions affiliated to IndustriALL Global Union in Mexico, together with education workers and small farmers’ organizations, staged a march on 16 August against the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). 

IndustriALL rejects Mexico's labour reform proposal

25 January, 2018IndustriALL Global Union is calling on Mexican senators to vote against proposed labour reforms that will increase outsourcing in the country and endanger the safety of workers.