IndustriALL in solidarity with SITRAMINA members in Peru6 August, 2015Trade union representatives met with copper company Antapaccay S.A management on 24 July in Lima to discuss the company’s anti-trade union practices. The union is demanding Antapaccay to respect union rights and the freedom of association, but the meeting ended without any significant progress.
Unique-Yanbal Peru dismisses 600 workers during the pandemic22 July, 2020In the midst of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, cosmetics and jewelry producer Unique-Yanbal in Peru, has dismissed 600 workers, nearly all women.
Farmindustria-Abbott workers in Peru continue their fight28 September, 2021The union of Farmindustria workers in Peru, part of Peru's federation of manufacturing workers (FETRIMAP), an affiliate of IndustriALL Global Union, went on strike on 1 September to demand increased wages and better working conditions.
Peru: Forte Assa Abloy workers demand union rights15 August, 2024Workers at Forte, part of Swedish group Assa Abloy, are calling for respect for freedom of association, collective bargaining and gender pay equity. Workers are also demanding a wage increase, and say that the company refuses to negotiate.
Glencore workers in Peru stage indefinite strike over labour abuse16 December, 2020Workers at Empresa Minera Los Quenuales, a subsidiary of Glencore Finance Bermuda Ltd in Peru, launched an indefinite strike on 1 December over labour violations, mainly related to health and safety during the pandemic.
Miners at Glencore Peru demand better working conditions17 August, 2022Over 1,000 workers at Glencore-controlled mining firm Los Quenuales are taking action to press the company to respect outsourcing limitations and collective bargaining rights, provide better food and to comply with occupational health and safety requirements.
Unions in Peru take action for a fair and sustainable textile industry20 January, 2021In December, the Federation of textile workers of Peru (FNTTP) delivered a document called "Platform for a claim for a fair and sustainable textile and clothing industry” to the Labor and social security commission.
Peru: union protests violations of labour rights20 February, 2018Workers at Alfred H Knight in Peru are mobilizing after a deadlock in collective bargaining and continuing violations of labour rights by the company.
Peru: Workers protest against abuses at Protisa 14 June, 2018On 11 June, workers at Protisa Peru mobilised to protest against job discrimination and the company’s systematic persecution of trade unionists.