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Caterpillar global trade union network commits to support workers and demand change

30 September, 2024The Caterpillar global trade union network met in Paris on 25 September  to strengthen global solidarity among workers at the manufacturing giant. As Caterpillar continues to post staggering profits — more than US$ 9 billion in 2023 — workers around the world face stagnant wages, job insecurity and growing anti-union practices.

Solidarity and challenges in the nuclear sector amidst Ukraine’s invasion

22 May, 2024In industriALL’s virtual International Nuclear Workers’ Unions’ Network (INWUN) meeting, affiliates came together to discuss developments and challenges in the sector. The main topic was the conflict in Ukraine where unions are faced with deteriorating working conditions amidst the ongoing struggle for safety due to the Russian invasion.

OECD Steel Committee: workers warn of lack of just transition in the industry

26 March, 2024Workers are raising concerns over the lack of a just transition in the steel sector. Global excess capacity keeps rising, due to a combination of irresponsible practices by some major multinational steel corporations and misguided action by some governments who keep expanding capacity rather than investing in the green transition.

Unions promote and boost global dialogue with Saint-Gobain Group

9 January, 2024The current status and developments of the Saint-Gobain group were on the agenda when 20 union representatives from nine countries, representing workers in the group, met in Paris for a two day global union network meeting. This meeting was hosted by IndustriALL affiliate Fédération Chimie Energie FCE-CFDT on 19 and 20 December last year.

Young trade unionists reimagining international trade unionism

5 December, 2023The Global Labour Institute hosted its autumn school in Paris from 27 to 29 November. IndustriALL affiliates formed part of the delegation who deliberated on challenges in organizing, trade unionism and youth, trade unionism and authoritarianism, and trade unionism and the environment. 

OECD debates labour issues in shipbuilding

23 November, 2023At a meeting at its Paris headquarters on 21 November, the OECD Shipbuilding Committee (WP6) held a workshop on labour issues in the shipbuilding industry. IndustriALL Global Union and IndustriAll Europe shared the perspective of trade unions, while workers’ representatives from Japan, Norway, South Korea and Spain also joined the meeting.

Steel workers demand better working conditions and a clear plan for navigating the green transition

26 September, 2023The reconstruction of Ukraine, the need to pay workers fairly amid the cost-of-living crisis and preparing clear socially just and inclusive plans for decarbonising the steel sector were issues raised by trade unions TUAC, IndustriALL Global Union and industriAll Europe at the OECD Steel Committee.

Take a stand against union repression in France

29 August, 2023French judicial authorities have decided to summon and prosecute several FNME-CGT trade union leaders and activists for collective action during the pension reform protests earlier this year. Together with industriAll Europe and EPSU, IndustriALL Global Union is taking a firm stand against the move to target union leaders exercising their rights and are joining the call for solidarity actions.

Working group establishes strategic action plan to confront global capital

3 May, 2023The IndustriALL Global multinational committee (GMC) met for the first time in Paris on April 27-28. The hybrid meeting was attended by around 70 delegates who discussed and developed a strategic action plan on issues related to multinational companies (MNCs).

Fighting for decent work in the global minerals industry

26 April, 2023Climate change calls for a historic transition to a low-carbon economy. Phasing out fossil fuels in favour of green energy is a major feature of that climate action, estimated to require ten times more electric vehicles and battery storage. This in turn depends on a consistent supply of minerals including cobalt, lithium, nickel and graphite, as the component elements of digital devices, screens and systems.