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French energy unions plan day of action against dismantling of EDF

14 January, 2021Energy unions will hold a day of action on 19 January to show their opposition to the Hercule project, the planned break up and partial privatization of energy giant Electricité de France (EDF), during a climate and public health crisis.

Stop austerity for executive staff

24 January, 2013While the minimum wage went up by 2.3 per cent this year and the social security ceiling by 1.8 per cent, minimum salaries for engineers and executives in the metalworking industries in France continue to stagnate. They will not stop regressing until a plan running over a couple of years is put in place starting this year which raises minimum salaries by 3 per cent.

IndustriALL and PSI sign global responsible employer agreement with EDF

29 May, 2018Today, global unions IndustriALL and PSI signed a global responsibility agreement with French electricity company EDF, covering all of EDF’s activities in 24 countries, combining compliance with international labour conventions. The agreement is designed to guarantee the development of a shared set of standards for the Group’s 160,000 employees whilst consolidating international social dialogue.

IndustriALL holds lively workshop in Ukraine

9 April, 2013IndustriALL Global Union and its French affiliate, FO Metaux, held a third workshop for Ukrainian union activists from the Metallurgical and Mining Industry Workers’ Union of Ukraine (MMIWU), also an IndustriALL affiliate, on 25-28 March in Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine.

France: planned actions 2014

8 October, 2014IndustriALL French affiliate Fédération des Travailleurs de la Métallurgie - FTM-CGT is planning to hold actions on 08 and 16 October 2014

Workers at Nissan US fight for the right to organize

13 October, 2016French and US trade unions joined forces with IndustriALL and French parliamentarians on 12 October in Paris, to call on Renault-Nissan CEO Carlos Ghosn to stop the anti-union practices at the Nissan plant, Canton, Mississippi.

OECD outlines transition pathway for shipbuilding

30 November, 2022IndustriALL Global Union and industriAll European Trade Union participated in the 135th meeting of the OECD Council Working Party on Shipbuilding (WP6), where shipbuilding countries analyze the industry and explore policy options. 

ENGIE renews agreement with three global unions

20 January, 2022The French multinational utilities giant ENGIE today renewed a global framework agreement (GFA) with the global union federations IndustriALL, BWI, and PSI, as well as with the representative French trade unions (CFDT, CFE-CGC, CGT and FO).

Take a stand against union repression in France

29 August, 2023French judicial authorities have decided to summon and prosecute several FNME-CGT trade union leaders and activists for collective action during the pension reform protests earlier this year. Together with industriAll Europe and EPSU, IndustriALL Global Union is taking a firm stand against the move to target union leaders exercising their rights and are joining the call for solidarity actions.

Solidarity and challenges in the nuclear sector amidst Ukraine’s invasion

22 May, 2024In industriALL’s virtual International Nuclear Workers’ Unions’ Network (INWUN) meeting, affiliates came together to discuss developments and challenges in the sector. The main topic was the conflict in Ukraine where unions are faced with deteriorating working conditions amidst the ongoing struggle for safety due to the Russian invasion.