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Showing 21-30 of 64 results

French unions unite to defend the future of energy

19 November, 2020IndustriALL Global Union’s French energy sector affiliates will come together for a day of action on 26 November 2020 to oppose policies that threaten the future of their sector, and the restructuring plans of the multinational companies EDF and ENGIE. 

IndustriALL Global Union and TUAC raise concerns at OECD Steel Committee

25 September, 2020Taking the floor on the first day of the 88th OECD Steel Committee, IndustriALL Global Union and the Trade Union Advisory Committee (TUAC) to the OECD, raised awareness on the risks faced by steel workers globally, who are extremely concerned with the dire situation in the steel sector.

Global agreement with Renault must entail negotiation of restructuring

4 June, 2020The announcement last week that Renault is planning to cut almost 15,000 jobs has become a familiar occurrence in the auto industry, writes director Georg Leutert. But a precedent-setting agreement charts a way forward.

Due diligence: has France really laid the foundations to end corporate impunity?

19 February, 2020On 24 October 2013, the Rana Plaza disaster in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, triggered a huge outcry. Over a thousand people were killed when the building, which housed garment factories, collapsed. The tragedy drew attention to the conditions widely endured by workers employed by the subcontractors of major brands and European companies, such as Carrefour, Mango, Auchan and Primark. None of these multinationals have since been brought to justice. The obstacle lies with the buyer relationship and the difficulty, if not impossibility, of proving that the parent companies were aware of the working conditions of their suppliers’ employees.

Workers' rights in textile and footwear supply chains

18 February, 2020IndustriALL Global Union and several of its affiliates ensured that workers’ rights were central at the OECD Forum on Due Diligence in the Textile and Footwear Sector on 11–13 February in Paris, France.  The Forum convenes over 500 representatives from government, business, trade unions and civil society to discuss key issues and risks related to due diligence in the global garment and footwear supply chain.

IndustriALL and Michelin sign agreement for global works council

28 January, 2020On 27 January, IndustriALL and Michelin signed an agreement to set up the Michelin Global Works Council. The new council, representing the Group's workers, will draw heavily on the work, methods and positive outcomes of the Michelin European Works Council (MEWC).

Action in shipbuilding and shipbreaking

7 November, 2019Shipbreaking is one of the most dangerous professions in the world. When IndustriALL’s action group on shipbuilding-shipbreaking met in Marseille on 4-5 November, safety was high on the agenda, together with precarious work and increased campaigning for the ratification of the Hong Kong Convention.

New mobilizations by French unions against EDF privatization

17 October, 2019IndustriALL Global Union affiliates took a second day of action today against plans by the French government to restructure and partially privatize energy giant Electricité de France (EDF).

French unions fight back against privatization

10 September, 2019IndustriALL’s affiliates in France’s energy sector are calling for a national strike on 19 September, in a response to the government’s plans to restructure and partially privatize energy giant Electricité de France (EDF).

IndustriALL signs quality of working life agreement with Renault

9 July, 2019Groupe Renault, its Group Works Council and IndustriALL Global Union have signed a precedent-setting global agreement on quality of working life.