IndustriALL’s aerospace sector prioritizes trade union rights in emerging economies2 February, 2023At the end of January, IndustriALL affiliates in the aerospace sector met in Casablanca, Morocco, to discuss the industry and a strategic roadmap ahead. The region was chosen to emphasize the importance of emerging aerospace economies like Mexico, India and the MENA region, mainly Morocco and Tunisia.
Young trade unionists reimagining international trade unionism 5 December, 2023The Global Labour Institute hosted its autumn school in Paris from 27 to 29 November. IndustriALL affiliates formed part of the delegation who deliberated on challenges in organizing, trade unionism and youth, trade unionism and authoritarianism, and trade unionism and the environment.
French unions fight back against privatization 10 September, 2019IndustriALL’s affiliates in France’s energy sector are calling for a national strike on 19 September, in a response to the government’s plans to restructure and partially privatize energy giant Electricité de France (EDF).
IndustriALL Global Union and industriAll Europe grieve with France 15 November, 2015IndustriALL Global Union and industriAll Europe, together representing more than 50 million workers around the world, condemn Friday´s terrorist attacks in Paris, France.
Workers' rights in textile and footwear supply chains18 February, 2020IndustriALL Global Union and several of its affiliates ensured that workers’ rights were central at the OECD Forum on Due Diligence in the Textile and Footwear Sector on 11–13 February in Paris, France. The Forum convenes over 500 representatives from government, business, trade unions and civil society to discuss key issues and risks related to due diligence in the global garment and footwear supply chain.
Unions meet with EDF management for annual GFA evaluation4 August, 2016Representatives of unions and management from the French company EDF met in Paris to revive the GFA, officially called “Worldwide Corporate Social Responsibility Agreement”.
IG Metall and Opel European Works Council meet with PSA Group23 February, 2017As discussions on a potential acquisition of Opel/Vauxhall by the PSA Group continue, IG Metall and the Opel/Vauxhall European Works Council met with representatives from the French car manufacturer on 20 February.
IndustriALL signs GFA with the Renault Group3 July, 2013Industriall Global Union, the Renault Group and the Renault Group Works’ Council jointly commit to promote workers’ rights and sustainable development
Action in shipbuilding and shipbreaking7 November, 2019Shipbreaking is one of the most dangerous professions in the world. When IndustriALL’s action group on shipbuilding-shipbreaking met in Marseille on 4-5 November, safety was high on the agenda, together with precarious work and increased campaigning for the ratification of the Hong Kong Convention.
Crown campaign finds support in Italy and France13 May, 2014The representatives of the USW Local 9176 members leading a heroic fight in Toronto, Canada against the food and beverage package producer multinational Crown Holdings rendered a visit of solidarity to their colleagues working for the company factories in Italy and France.