Nissan to keep production and employment in Spain until the end of 20216 August, 2020After a long fight of almost three months, three IndustriALL Spanish affiliates - Federación de Industria de USO, UGT Federacíon de Industria, Construccíon y Agro and CC.OO de Industria - representing autoworkers at Nissan Barcelona signed an agreement with the company securing production and employment levels till the end of 2021.
COP25 conclusions – 15 December 201915 December, 2019The 25th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, aka COP25, was finally formally closed at 1:55 pm on Sunday, 15 December. IndustriALL Global Union sustainability director Brian Kohler reports.
Union picket at Spanish packaging company in Turkey enters ninth week25 July, 2019A picket by IndustriALL Global Union’s Turkish affiliate, Selüloz-İş, at Spanish-owned cardboard packaging company, Saica Pack, has entered its ninth week.
On the 15th anniversary of their Global Framework Agreement, Inditex and IndustriALL reaffirm commitment with a new protocol3 October, 2022Over the past 15 years, almost 3 million people around the world have benefitted from better working conditions as a result of the Global Framework Agreement between Inditex and IndustriALL Global Union. A world first, the agreement is still a benchmark in the defence of decent work in global supply chains. Commemorating the anniversary, both parties are signing a new protocol reinforcing their commitment to continue engaging in mature industrial relations safeguarding worker well being.
Support Spanish miners19 June, 201210,000 coal miners in Spain are on the front-line of the European austerity debate as their workplaces are shutdown by national budget cuts, to pay for the debts of the banks.
IndustriALL mourns Lito4 July, 2014IndustriALL Global Union is deeply saddened at the death of Spanish union trailblazer Manuel Fernández López, or ‘Lito’ as he was affectionately known.
COP25 blog – 6 December 20196 December, 2019The fifth day of the COP25 conference, Brian Kohler reports
Spain: thousands join march against trade unionist trial9 February, 2016An estimated 5,000 people braved the wind and rain on a three-hour march in Madrid on 9 February to protest against the trial of eight trade unionists facing a total 66 years in prison for going on strike.