Bangladeshi garment workers rally for a decent wage24 September, 2013200,000 Bangladeshi garment workers mobilise for three days in Dhaka and elsewhere calling for a living wage and strongly rejecting a derisory employers’ wage offer in negotiations.
Bangladesh workers must continue to wait for full compensation12 September, 2013Eleven brands join discussions on compensation to victims of Bangladesh factory disasters. Other key brands turn their back on workers' plight. Some advance payments agreed.
Bangladesh compensation meetings this week4 September, 2013IndustriALL Global Union is working hard to get brands and retailers that sourced from Tazreen and Rana Plaza to participate in talks in Geneva on 11 and 12 September. The meetings will seek to achieve proper compensation payments to the victims and survivors of the two industrial accidents.
Bangladesh compensation meetings rescheduled9 August, 2013The two compensation meetings for the victims and their families of the tragedies of Tazreen and Rana Plaza in Bagladesh planned to be held on August 11 and 12, have been postponed until September.
Accord delegation promotes implementation in Bangladesh7 August, 2013IndustriALL has joined with UNI Global Union and representatives of the brand signatories of the Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh in a delegation to secure the support of employers, government and responsible authorities in Bangladesh for the Accord.
Time for brands to pay compensation to Bangladesh victims25 July, 2013IndustriALL Global Union is organising meetings in Dhaka on 11 and 12 August to ensure the correct compensation payments are made to victims and survivors of the Tazreen factory fire and the Rana Plaza building collapse.
Walmart/Gap Bangladesh safety plan: pale imitation of Accord10 July, 2013IndustriALL and UNI, reacting to the announcement by Walmart and Gap today of another toothless corporate auditing programme for Bangladesh factory safety, stated that these companies are only repeating the mistakes of the past.
New EU Compact urges companies to immediately sign Bangladesh Accord8 July, 2013A new initiative between the Government of Bangladesh, the European Union and the International Labour Organisation (ILO) today gives full backing to the Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh.
Bangladesh Safety Accord implementation – moving forward7 July, 2013The broad coalition of trade unions - led by IndustriALL and UNI - and 91 market leading clothing brands and retailers today announces the next steps to implement the historic Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh.