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Showing 271-280 of 284 results

Families of Bangladesh fire victims get compensation

24 February, 2013On 24 February 2013 Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina handed out compensation to the families of fire victims at Smart Fashion factory of 26 January 2013. The agreement was negotiated by the IndustriALL Regional Office, IndustriALL Bangladesh Council of trade unions (IBC) and brands Inditex and New Look.

IndustriALL promotes rights of garment workers in Bangladesh

22 February, 2013A multi-stakeholder meeting in Dhaka convened by IndustriALL underlines need for urgent progress on workers’ rights, minimum wages and fire safety in order to secure a sustainable future for the garment industry in Bangladesh.

IndustriALL demands real action after fire in Bangladesh

28 January, 20137 die and 20 are injured in a blaze at a garment factory in Dhaka only two months after the tragic fire at Tazreen factory in November last year which took the lives of 112 people.

European Parliament adopts resolution on factory fires

22 January, 2013European Parliament passes resolution on recent textile factory fires in South Asia, calling on the Bangladeshi and Pakistani governments to investigate, ensure health and safety compliance, establish independent inspection systems and lift restrictions on trade union activities.

Tripartite effort on fire safety in Bangladesh

17 January, 2013Government, employers and unions sign onto a tripartite statement regarding fire safety in Bangladesh and agree to jointly develop a national action plan by the end of February 2013.

Global unions call for measures after Tazreen fire

18 December, 2012Three powerful global union organisations, the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF), UNI Global Union and IndustriALL Global Union are demanding that Walmart act to prevent deadly working conditions.

Bangladesh: fire safety responsibility of government and brands

13 December, 2012IndustriALL calls again on the Bangladeshi government to secure the future of the country’s garment industry by doing more on guaranteeing fire safety and for brands to support this.

Garments sector closed for day of mourning in Bangladesh

27 November, 2012The news of the terrifying fire in Bangladesh has spread across the globe. The death toll is 112 people, remnants of 58 of the dead are not identifiable and a DNA test needs to be conducted.

Bangladesh: agreement on fire safety in textiles required

26 November, 2012More than 100 workers died and as many were injured in a horrific fire at the Tazreen Fashion garment factory near Dhaka on 24 November. IndustriALL Global Union calls for a government and union agreement on fire and building safety in Bangladesh.

Human Rights Watch exposes hazards tanneries in Bangladesh

18 October, 2012HRW releases an extremely alarming report on leather tanneries poisoning workers and damaging local communities in Hazaribagh, Bangladesh.