IndustriALL Indonesia ready for action in 201512 March, 2015Thirty union leaders from the IndustriALL Indonesia Council gathered at a National Unity Meeting in Jakarta from 23 to 25 February 2015 to plan for the year ahead.
Indonesian workers strike against Philips union busting4 June, 2015600 workers at PT. Philips Industries Batam, members of IndustriALL Global Union through the Federation of Indonesian Metal Workers' Union (FSPMI), went on strike on 3 June in protest at the union busting and unfair dismissals by company management.
IndustriALL launches campaign as Grasberg crisis escalates8 June, 2017More than 3,000 striking workers have now been fired at PT Freeport’s Grasberg mine in Papua, Indonesia.
IndustriALL to lead mission to Freeport operations in Indonesia3 August, 2017IndustriALL Global Union will lead a mission to Indonesia from 8-11 August, to support workers fired for striking at Grasberg mine and PT Smelting. Both operations are part-owned by US mining giant Freeport-McMoRan.
Victory for Indonesian unions as parliament postpones debate of controversial bill27 April, 2020Indonesian unions have won the first battle to defeat the controversial Omnibus bill on job creation, as President Joko Widodo announced a delay in the debate.
Uproar over passing of omnibus law in Indonesia9 October, 2020Thousands of Indonesian workers from 30 provinces downed tools and took to the streets to express their anger over the passing of the omnibus law on job creation on 5 October.
Fighting precarious work in Indonesia's oil and gas sector1 July, 2020Indonesian oil and gas workers are fighting precarious work through legal action and an organizing drive, amid the coronavirus outbreak and economic downturn.
Indonesian unions oppose Omnibus Bill 12 August, 2020Indonesian unions are concerned that the new bill on job creation will be rushed through while parliament is in recess, and will undermine workers’ rights.
Indonesian Supreme Court finds in favour of Freeport strikers8 December, 2021In 2017, the owners of the PT Freeport Grasberg copper mine in West Papua, Indonesia, provoked a strike of 8,300 workers. The company used the strike, which it said was illegal, as a pretext to fire 4,200. After years of legal disputes, the Indonesian Supreme Court has issued its final judgement: the strike was legal.
Indonesian unions sign zero-tolerance policy on violence and harassment with companies10 August, 2022 As ways of expressing their strong commitment to the ILO Convention 190 on eliminating violence and harassment in the world of work, Indonesian unions convened social dialogue meetings with employers.