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Showing 151-160 of 162 results

Fighting precarious work in Indonesia's oil and gas sector

1 July, 2020Indonesian oil and gas workers are fighting precarious work through legal action and an organizing drive, amid the coronavirus outbreak and economic downturn.

Indonesian unions oppose Omnibus Bill

12 August, 2020Indonesian unions are concerned that the new bill on job creation will be rushed through while parliament is in recess, and will undermine workers’ rights.

Indonesian Supreme Court finds in favour of Freeport strikers

8 December, 2021In 2017, the owners of the PT Freeport Grasberg copper mine in West Papua, Indonesia, provoked a strike of 8,300 workers. The company used the strike, which it said was illegal, as a pretext to fire 4,200. After years of legal disputes, the Indonesian Supreme Court has issued its final judgement: the strike was legal.

Indonesian unions sign zero-tolerance policy on violence and harassment with companies

10 August, 2022 As ways of expressing their strong commitment to the ILO Convention 190 on eliminating violence and harassment in the world of work, Indonesian unions convened social dialogue meetings with employers.

Garment company in Indonesia reinstates union leader

1 November, 2022PT Tainan Enterprises in Indonesia are reinstating a woman union leader that was sacked over bogus claims earlier this year.

No place for violence and harassment in Indonesia’s garment industry

19 October, 2022More than 50 trade unionists from textile and garment suppliers met on 4-5 October to discuss how to identify and eliminate violence and sexual harassment at the workplace. The meeting follows on the Zero tolerance policy Indonesian unions signed with employers earlier this year.

Indonesian unions reject emergency regulation replacing Omnibus Law

12 January, 2023IndustriALL affiliates in Indonesia have condemned the emergency regulation in lieu of the Job Creation Law (Perppu) issued by the President in December last year, as it fails to meet union demands.

Indonesia passes emergency decree for Job Creation Law

12 April, 2023Unions in Indonesia publicly condemn the national parliament for passing the emergency decree for Job Creation, into law on 21 March 2023. Nation-wide protests are planned on May Day, over half million workers are expected to turn up.

Youth academy builds strong network of activists in South East Asia

27 March, 2023Three years of training through the IndustriALL-FES South-East Asia youth activist-leadership academy has strengthened the network of young unionists in the region, as well as their demands.

Building union power along Pou Chen supply chain

28 November, 2023The Pou Chen trade union network met for the second time in Indonesia on 22-23 November. The meeting, part of the project on developing global supply chain industrial relations for the textile, garment, shoes and leather sector through advocacy and action, focused on sectoral priorities, including due diligence, just transition and building union power through supply chain industrial relations.