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Showing 21-30 of 114 results

Myanmar military arson attack leaves garment workers homeless

8 December, 2022The escalation of Myanmar junta’s military attacks in the Salingyi township has rendered scores of garment workers homeless. According to several news sources, the Myanmar junta torched houses in nine villages in the Salingyi township, Sagaing region, in early December. More than 40 houses of Industrial Workers' Federation of Myanmar members were burned down. 

Stand with imprisoned trade unionists on Human Rights Day

7 December, 2022The right to freedom of association is one of the ILO’s fundamental principles and rights at work, and yet right now there are too many people around the world in prison for joining or being active in a union.

Discussion begins on responsible exit from Myanmar

2 November, 2022IndustriALL Global Union has begun discussions with garment brands on a responsible exit from Myanmar, due to the deteriorating human rights situation and the impossibility of doing due diligence.

Free Myanmar’s jailed trade unionists! Recognise the NUG!

10 October, 2022The Global Unions, representing 200 million workers worldwide, call for the immediate release of all political prisoners in Myanmar, in particular the more than 60 trade unionists who have been unjustly incarcerated by the military junta since its coup in 2021. We demand the immediate dismissal of the trumped-up charges filed against all jailed democracy activists, strong assurances that their health and safety inside the prisons are secured, and their swift and safe return to their loved ones.  

Responsible business not possible in Myanmar: report

16 September, 2022A long-awaited independent report has confirmed IndustriALL Global Union’s position that it is not possible to conduct responsible business in Myanmar. IndustriALL has written once again to brands sourcing from Myanmar, urging them to begin negotiations on a responsible exit.

Violent attack against Myanmar unionists

15 September, 2022Five unionists, including two from IndustriALL affiliate Industrial Workers’ Federation of Myanmar (IWFM), were violently attacked and arrested by military security officers in Yangon on 13 September.

EU must end preferential trade arrangement with Myanmar military

13 July, 2022IndustriALL Global Union and industriAll European Trade Union are calling on the European Union to take stronger action against the military junta in Myanmar, including the withdrawal of Everything But Arms (EBA) trade preferences.

SPECIAL REPORT: Comprehensive sanctions on Russia: why not Myanmar?

31 May, 2022Despite the call by Myanmar’s trade unions for comprehensive economic sanctions against the military regime, many global garment brands continue to source from the country. The response of the international community to human rights abuses in Myanmar stands in stark contrast to the situation in Russia.

Repression continues at garment factory in Myanmar

12 May, 2022More than a year after the military coup d'état in Myanmar, the state-sponsored repression at garment factories in Myanmar continues. IndustriALL is reiterating its call for brands to leave Myanmar as due diligence is not possible in a military dictatorship.

Military vehicle rams into trade unionists, three detained in Yangon, Myanmar

21 April, 2022After a peaceful demonstration in the South Okkalapa township on 20 April, a military vehicle rammed into a taxi carrying trade unionists. According to an eyewitness, three people were beaten up and taken away by six soldiers.