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Showing 41-50 of 114 results

Myanmar: Trade unions call for immediate withdrawal of EU trade preferences in light of labour and human rights abuses

26 October, 2021IndustriALL Global Union and IndustriAll European Trade Union are demanding urgent EU action in response to the horrendous human rights abuses against workers, human rights defenders, and trade unionists in Myanmar. Trade unions insist that the EU immediately revokes Myanmar’s trade preferences under the EU’s Everything But Arms (EBA) arrangement.

More brands join ACT as progress continues

24 September, 2018IndustriALL has signed Memoranda of Understanding with PVH and zLabels, bringing the number of ACT member companies to 20.

Myanmar mining unions set safety goal

15 July, 2015Mining unions in Myanmar have resolved to set up health and safety committees at every mining operation in the country, following a joint IndustriALL Global Union workshop on 10 to 12 July in the city of Monywa, Sagaing. 

Agreement with H&M proves instrumental in resolving conflicts

7 January, 2016A global framework agreement (GFA) signed between IndustriALL Global Union and Swedish clothing company H&M has been an accelerator in reinstating sacked workers at garment factories in both Myanmar and Pakistan just a couple of months after it came into force.

7 October in Myanmar

10 October, 2016IndustriALL affiliates in Myanmar held an orientation on maternity protection.

Workers in Cambodia and Myanmar hit hard by Coronavirus fall-out

12 March, 2020The global outbreak of the Coronavirus is slowing down the economy and eliminating thousands of jobs in the global supply chain in South East Asia. Cambodia and Myanmar are among the most affected countries in the region.

Myanmar union calls for paid stay-at-home leave

30 March, 2020Industrial Workers Federation of Myanmar (IWFM) is calling on employers to accept a one-month shutdown of factories to help prevent an outbreak of the corona virus, while workers are paid the minimum wage.

IndustriALL calls on companies to divest from Myanmar

3 November, 2021IndustriALL Global Union has called on multinationals doing business in Myanmar to take immediate action to cease their operations, divest, stop placing new orders, and halt business relations in the country, as part of a campaign of comprehensive economic sanctions against the military junta.

A year of terror in Myanmar: unions call for immediate withdrawal of EU trade preferences

2 February, 2022Together with IndustriAll Europe, IndustriALL Global Union is calling on the EU to respond to the horrendous abuses of human rights in Myanmar by immediately withdrawing trade preferences under the EU’s Everything But Arms (EBA) system to cut off the military junta’s funding.

Free Myanmar’s jailed trade unionists! Recognise the NUG!

10 October, 2022The Global Unions, representing 200 million workers worldwide, call for the immediate release of all political prisoners in Myanmar, in particular the more than 60 trade unionists who have been unjustly incarcerated by the military junta since its coup in 2021. We demand the immediate dismissal of the trumped-up charges filed against all jailed democracy activists, strong assurances that their health and safety inside the prisons are secured, and their swift and safe return to their loved ones.