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Showing 141-150 of 153 results

Global unions target Algerian government as ILO mission is cancelled

19 April, 2018Global unions have launched an online campaign against the Algerian government after an International Labour Organization (ILO) mission to the country was cancelled.

Iraqi electricity workers fight precarious work

11 April, 2018IndustriALL affiliate the General Trade Union of Electricity Sector Employees of Iraq (GTUESE) is fighting temporary work in the Iraqi electricity sector. They have staged a series of protests in front of government ministries and opened negotiations by meeting high level government officials.

Algeria: Threats soar against democratic unions after ILC

20 June, 2018Severe labour rights’ violations continue in Algeria with relentless pressure and intimidation against independent unions. It comes as the Algerian Minister for Labour, Mourad Zemali, has threatened to leave the International Labour Organization (ILO), following the Organization’s decision to send a high-level mission to meet independent unions in the country.

Union activists tortured in Iran as strike wave spreads

6 December, 2018A wave of strike action across the province of Khuzestan has led to the arrest and torture of leading activists.

MENA textile unions ready to organize more

30 April, 2015Some twenty union leaders from the MENA region, together with affiliates from Europe, attended the IndustriALL Middle East and North Africa Textile, Garment and Leather Sector Unions' Regional Network Meeting in Beirut, Lebanon on 20 April. 

Algeria: 5,000 police used to stop energy workers’ march

25 July, 2017Some 5,000 police officers in Algeria were deployed to stop a rally in the city of Bejaia on 20 July, arresting more than 600 union members and citizens in the process.

Middle East and North African textile and garment unions discuss Inditex agreement

6 September, 2017Unions in the textile, garment, shoe and leather sectors in the Middle East and North Africa met in Casablanca, Morocco from 26-27 August, to coordinate the implementation of the agreement  with Inditex.

Tunisian government and UGTT union sign agreement on public sector reform

15 April, 2021On 31 March, the Tunisian government and the Union Générale Tunisienne du Travail (UGTT) signed an agreement on restructuring public companies and reforming the subsidy and tax system.

Ten years after the Arab Spring, the region’s unions take stock

11 December, 2020IndustriALL Global Union’s Middle East and North Africa region met online on 10 December to take stock after a challenging year. Many of the issues faced in the region - high unemployment, conflict, and a poor economic outlook - have been made worse by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Middle East and North Africa unions campaign for ratification of ILO C190

8 January, 2021An increase in gender-based violence during the Covid-19 crisis has led unions in the region to mobilize at an unprecedented level to demand that governments ratify ILO Convention 190.