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Showing 41-50 of 55 results

Union protests lockout at Nycil chemical plant in Nigeria

2 July, 2020When 163 workers at Nycil Nigeria reported for work on 29 June they found the gates locked. Since then the workers are picketing outside the company premises in Lagos and have been joined in solidarity by other workers in the area.

Shell AGM fails to address union concerns

20 May, 2020IndustriALL Global Union raised a number of questions ahead of Shell’s online AGM, held yesterday. Shell’s responses show the company remains unwilling to engage with unions at a global level.

Nigerian government abandons petrol price hike as unions mobilize

1 February, 2022Just as it appeared that the federal government of Nigeria and the unions, with their civil society allies, were heading for a collision course on the announced fuel price increase, the government backtracked on the eve of national protests.

Nigeria ratifies Convention 190 after sustained union campaigns

6 October, 2022Nigeria is the latest African country to ratify ILO Convention 190 which aims to eliminate violence and harassment in the world of work. The ratification comes after sustained campaigns and concerted efforts, including social dialogue involving trade unions, civil society organizations and labour support organizations.

Nigerian unions suspend national strike after agreement with government

5 October, 2023Nigerian unions have suspended an indefinite national strike to protest the removal of a fuel subsidy after an agreement was reached with the Federal Government of Nigeria through social dialogue on 2 October.

Union demands reinstatement of Nigerian shipyard workers

14 March, 2023On 23 February Nigerdock Nigeria Limited announced that it is dismissing 10 workers on redundancy grounds after serving a termination notice to 21 workers. Unions are opposing the redundancies which they describe as unfair labour practices, and want the workers reinstated.

Nigerian unions protest increasing cost of living

28 February, 2024On 27 and 28 February thousands of Nigerian workers went on nationwide protests against the increasing cost of living caused by what unions summarize as anti-worker economic austerity measures, that were introduced by the Federal Government of Nigeria. 

The fight for ratification of C190 must continue

20 June, 2024June marks five years since the adoption of the International Labour Organization’s Convention (ILO C190) to end violence and harassment in the workplace. This landmark Convention presents a significant opportunity for unions to advance their fight against gender-based violence, and IndustriALL and its affiliates are campaigning vigorously for its ratification.

Nupeng issues ultimatum over unfair labour practises

27 June, 2013Nupeng plans to strike on Monday 1 July if government does not respond to their demands to address anti-union and unfair labour practices of multinationals, in particular Shell Petroleum Development Company, Chevron Nigeria Limited and Agip Oil Company.

Nigerian unions welcome minimum wage progress

4 February, 2019A sustained campaign by unions and threat of strike action has succeeded in pushing the Nigerian National Assembly to approve a new national minimum wage of 30,000 Naira (US$83) a month, when it appeared to be stalling.