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19 September, 2012A Global Framework Agreement (GFA) with German-based company ZF Group, covering approximately 71,500 employees at 121 manufacturing sites in 27 countries, was signed on 5 October 2011.

IndustriAll Europe takes protest to FIAT’s door

14 September, 2012IndustriALL Global Union’s sister organization, IndustriAll European Union, mobilized workers of the Italian auto giant FIAT in a 400-strong demonstration that blocked the company’s headquarters on 7 September. Demonstrators denounced the proposed restructuring of FIAT’s bus and truck maker IVECO that threatens over 1,000 jobs in Europe.

IndustriALL Auto Group Meeting: laying out strategy for the sector

13 September, 2012More than 60 delegates of the IndustriALL Automotive Working Group met in Saint-Petersburg, Russia, on 11-13 September. In an industry slowly recovering from the crisis, organizing, global framework agreements, precarious work, and trade union rights violations are key issues.

Korean workers reach ground-breaking agreement at Hyundai

5 September, 2012Members of the Korean Metal Workers’ Union voted to accept a new agreement at Hyundai Motors that secures a 5.4 per cent increase in basic wages and an end to night shifts starting in March next year.

GM Colmotores workers suspend hunger strike

30 August, 2012The dispute over the dismissal of workers with occupational diseases still continues but the workers have decided to suspend their hunger strike after an agreement on mediation.

CAW and CEP on path to create new union

30 August, 2012Nearly 1,000 delegates of Canadian Auto Workers (CAW) voted in favour of creating a new union with the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers’ (CEP) union of Canada at the CAW convention in Toronto on 22 August.

Unions file OECD complaint against PKC

30 August, 2012Unions in Finland and Mexico joined with IndustriALL Global Union on 28 August in filing a complaint with the OECD against Finnish autoparts maker PKC Group for union busting in Mexico.

Attack on union at Russian auto supplier disrupts production at GM

23 August, 2012Vlankas, a company which supplies bumpers to GM in Saint-Petersburg, Russia, refuses to recognize the Interregional Trade Union of Autoworkers (ITUA) local. Several unionized workers were dismissed, causing production problems both at Vlankas and its customer, General Motors.

Thai Auto Growth offers opportunity and challenges for unions.

22 August, 2012Over 60 union leaders from The Confederation of Thai Electrical Appliances, Electronic, Automobile and Metalworkers (TEAM) and the Automobile Labor Congress of Thailand (ALCT) co-organized a seminar on 10 August titled “Growing Auto Industry; what are the impacts on workers?” in greater Bangkok. The unions hope with closer cooperation they can have a greater influence on the future shape of the industry.

Justice for Korean workers at Hyundai Kia Motors

22 August, 2012Korean Metal Workers’ Union (KMWU) stages a series of strikes demanding higher wages, regularization of precarious workers and the abolishment of night shift work, which is causing serious danger to workers’ health.