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Showing 421-430 of 434 results

French electricity and gas workers mobilize for their rights

21 October, 2021French unions FNME-CGT, FCE-CFDT, CFE-CGC Energies and FO Energie took action on 19 October, to fight back against social regression and attacks on pension and unemployment insurance schemes, as well as to demand higher wages.

Iranian oil workers improve conditions through struggle

30 September, 2021Over the past three years, contract workers on Iranian oil projects have improved their conditions through a series of wildcat strikes. Now an activist from IndustriALL’s Iranian affiliate UMMI has been formally mandated to represent the workers in negotiations with the oil companies, the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) and the government.

Unions want social dialogue on the Just Transition for workers

4 August, 2022There is emerging consensus amongst trade unions on what they expect from a Just Transition, and this is confirmed by country case studies from Australia, Indonesia, Iraq, Japan, New Zealand, Nigeria, South Africa, and Spain, that were made at the Just Transition and the energy sector initiative meeting on 29 July.

Unions sign wage deal at power utility Eskom in South Africa

7 July, 2022After a week-long strike to push for wage increases and standing firm against a surge of fake news to discredit the unions, the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA), the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM), and Solidarity, signed a wage deal with Eskom on 5 July.

Unions uneasy over South African Just Transition finance deal announced at COP26

4 November, 2021South African trade unions affiliated to IndustriALL Global Union, the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) and the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) are supportive of a Just Transition partnership that is inclusive of the workers and poor communities through social dialogue, protects jobs and livelihoods, and promotes a socially owned renewable energy sector.

Women mine workers share traumatic experiences on sexual harassment

7 April, 2022Gender based violence and sexual harassment continues to be prevalent in the mining sector in Sub Saharan Africa, according to testimonies by some of the 30 participants at a training workshop in Johannesburg 5-6 April.

We can’t achieve climate goals without carbon capture and storage (CCS)

26 October, 2022On 24 October, the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), LO Norway and IndustriALL held the last of their 2022 technology workshops on Carbon Capture and Storage, as part of the Just Transition and the Energy Sector initiative.

Kenyan court orders Proto Energy to pay union dues

24 August, 2023The Kenya Petroleum Oil Workers Union (KPOWU), affiliated to IndustriALL, won a victory in the Employment and Labour Relation Court in Nairobi against withholding union dues by Proto Energy Limited.  

Strategizing on advancing union power of white-collar workers in Ghana

28 April, 2023Eighteen white collar workers from Ghanaian affiliates organising in the energy, mining, chemical, oil and gas, and public utilities, met in Accra on 26 April to discuss how they can develop organizing strategies and build union power in their sectors.

Nigerian unions protest increasing cost of living

28 February, 2024On 27 and 28 February thousands of Nigerian workers went on nationwide protests against the increasing cost of living caused by what unions summarize as anti-worker economic austerity measures, that were introduced by the Federal Government of Nigeria.