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Showing 431-438 of 438 results

Oil and gas workers in Iran on strike

26 April, 2023Contract workers at the oil and gas fields in Southern Iran are striking for increased wages and better working conditions.

Net Zero Authority in Australia to ensure just transition for workers

17 May, 2023Australian union MEU calls the newly established Net Zero Authority “a game-changer for workers and communities affected by the energy transition”. 

Liberian union signs collective agreement

8 May, 2024IndustriALL affiliated union, United Workers Union of Liberia (UWUL) signed a three-year collective bargaining agreement (CBA) with public utility Liberia Electricity Corporation on 2 May, after months of negotiations.  

Italy: union win for Enel workers

13 May, 2024Three Italian unions affilitated to IndustriALL, namely Federazione Italiana Lavoratori Chimica Tessile Energia Manifatture (FILCTEM-CGIL), Federazione Lavoratori Aziende Elettriche Italiana (FLAEI-CISL) and Unione Italiana Lavoratori Tessile Energia e Chimica (UILTEC-UIL), ended their strike at Enel after months of negotiations with management who had intentions to redefine the industrial relations model. The unions and Enel management reached an agreement in late April. 

Strengthening union organization in Iraq’s oil and gas sector

9 April, 2024The first founding congress to elect the leadership of the Basra branch of the General Federation of Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Unions in Iraq (GFOGPUI) was held on 9 March under the slogan: Organizing, is the real support of the Iraqi trade union movement.   

Iran: IndustriALL escalates union building and solidarity with UMMI

9 August, 2018IndustriALL Global Union opens a new period in supporting its Iranian affiliate the Union of Metalworkers and Mechanics of Iran (UMMI) through a leadership capacity building session in Sapanca, Turkey, on 6-8 August, to develop a plan for further cooperation and solidarity. IndustriALL’s Turkish metal affiliate United Metalworkers’ Union (Birleşik Metal-İş) provides essential input.

Iran: oil and gas workers striking for better conditions

27 June, 2024Iranian workers employed at oil and gas sector projects, at more than 90 worksites including refineries, oil and gas installations and power plants throughout Iran, started striking on 20 June, demanding shift changes, elimination of employment agencies and wage increases. 

Energy sector unions in Southeast Asia drive forward Just Transition strategies

25 October, 2024On October 22-23, 2024, IndustriALL, supported by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), hosted a meeting in Manila to discuss the future of energy and Just Transition in Southeast Asia. Delegates from across the region gathered to strategize on prioritizing workers’ rights and job security amid the shift to sustainable energy.