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Showing 1-10 of 103 results

Saint-Gobain workers in Mexico reject employer protection contract

12 July, 2022Workers at Saint-Gobain in Mexico have voted against the current collective bargaining agreement, stating that it had been negotiated by an employer-friendly union that made decisions behind the workers’ backs and in the interests of the company.

Kenya glass workers win after strike for living wages and safety gear

15 September, 2022After a strike for living wages and personal protective equipment, workers at Future East Africa Cooperation (FEAC) negotiated a collective bargaining agreement to improve wages and health and safety at work.

Trade unions start network at building materials multinational CRH

2 April, 2019Some 30 union representatives and activists from all over Europe came to Dublin, Ireland, on 26 and 27 March 2019, and formed a trade union network to improve social dialogue at the Irish building materials and cement multinational company, CRH. Global unions IndustriALL and Building and Woodworkers International (BWI) also participated.

Unions demand LafargeHolcim keeps its word and respects workers’ lives

8 May, 2018Unions protested outside Swiss company LafargeHolcim’s annual shareholders meeting near Zurich today, demanding that the cement giant keeps its word and signs a global framework agreement safeguarding workers’ rights at its operations worldwide.

Cement unions in India commit to improve occupational health and safety

31 July, 2019Cement sector union representatives from different parts of India gathered at Chennai on 29-30 July 2019 to take stock and improve occupational health and safety (OHS) initiatives, social dialogue and union power.

First global network at Saint-Gobain is created

29 October, 2015At a meeting in Paris on 27 – 28 October, trade unions from France, Belgium, Thailand, Brazil, Indonesia and India committed to create a global union network in French multi-sectorial multinational company (MNC) Saint-Gobain.

Let’s talk about Holcim

6 November, 2014Watch this IndustriALL video about the violations committed in India by the world’s largest cement producer, Holcim. 

North America Cement Network meets in Canada for the first time

29 September, 2017Representatives from US and Canadian cement unions met on 26 September 2017 in Toronto, Canada with IndustriALL Global Union, in order to deepen their cooperation in the cement sector in North America.

IndustriALL affiliates demand respect for workers’ rights in the materials industries

8 November, 2017Over 60 delegates from 21 unions representing glass, ceramics and cement workers in 16 countries from all continents came to Bremen, Germany on 2 and 3 November 2017 for the World Conference of the Materials Industries.

Unions outraged over LafargeHolcim’s sudden u-turn on global commitments

10 January, 2018Global and national unions representing LafargeHolcim workers worldwide express their outrage over the company’s unilateral decision to back down from its signature of a global framework agreement designed to build positive industrial relations throughout the company.