IndustriALL signs framework agreement with TK Elevator20 January, 2021IndustriALL signs a new framework agreement with TK Elevator, the company created as a spin-off from the German multi-industrial multinational group thyssenkrupp.
Caterpillar workers on strike in Northern Ireland9 June, 2022Workers at Caterpillar sites in Northern Ireland have been on strike for nine weeks over decent pay. The US mechanical engineering giant is reporting huge profits while the workers, creating the very foundation for this wealth, have to choose between heating or eating in the midst of the current cost of living crisis.
SKF World Union Council meets with top management 7 October, 2022In the first face-to-face meeting in many years, the SKF European Works Council (EWC), World Union Council (WUC), and SKF top management met in Gothenburg, Sweden, to discuss the company’s strategy and future.
Stop austerity for executive staff24 January, 2013While the minimum wage went up by 2.3 per cent this year and the social security ceiling by 1.8 per cent, minimum salaries for engineers and executives in the metalworking industries in France continue to stagnate. They will not stop regressing until a plan running over a couple of years is put in place starting this year which raises minimum salaries by 3 per cent.
Numsa opposes proposed electricity tariff hikes18 January, 2013Numsa has rejected Eskoms’ proposal to the South African energy regulator for a 16 per cent increase each year for the next five years, raising concerns that workers and the poor will ultimately pay the price.
John Deere unions meet to strengthen cooperation 17 June, 2016IndustriALL Global Union affiliates in North America, Brazil, Spain and Germany met in Detroit, Michigan on 13 and 14 June to advance IndustriALL’s John Deere trade union network.
SKF IndustriALL world union council drives discussion about Industry 4.0, flexibility and health and safety 9 October, 2018From 2-4 October, more than 40 delegates and observers from 20 countries met in the historical site Lingotto in Turin and discussed shared issues in SKF facilities worldwide.
Australia: end of eight-week lockout at Otis18 December, 2014For eight weeks, workers at Otis Elevators in Australia were locked out as management refused to pay the same rates and conditions as other elevator companies in Australia. Yesterday, Otis conceded and trade unions reached an agreement with Otis.
USA: United Electrical fight to keep 950 jobs in Erie27 June, 2013IndustriALL affiliate United Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers of America (UE) vows to continue effort to save 950 jobs from being relocated, despite GE’s rejection of the union’s offer on 23 June.
Swaziland union merge for unity and strength16 September, 2013Ten unions in Swaziland have successfully come together to form Amalgamated Trade Unions of Swaziland, Atuswa. The merger builds greater unity amongst workers in the manufacturing sector.