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Showing 261-270 of 318 results

Cerrejón mineworkers hold firm: show your support

7 October, 2020Workers at the Cerrejón coal mine in Colombia are five weeks into a bitter strike against the imposition of a brutal new shift system. They need your support.

Will blockchains verify virtue in the value chain?

28 January, 2019The case of cobalt

African miners say mineral wealth must benefit continent

9 October, 2019This was the message of delegates to the Sub Saharan Africa mining summit, which met on 8 October in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The meeting brought together about 150 union delegates and industry experts from across the continent.

Can global mining companies meet society’s expectations?

25 February, 2020What will it take mining companies to meet the expectations of society? Responsible Mining Index Report 2020 has found that mining companies are failing in their environmental, social and corporate governance commitments that would put them on the path to meeting society’s expectations.

Global dialogue with Glencore addresses Southern African Coronavirus crisis

28 May, 2020Dialogue between commodities multinational Glencore and unions in the mining industry has led to a joint approach to managing disruptions caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

Union adopts a decent work campaign strategy for organizing artisanal and small-scale miners in Ghana

16 September, 2021IndustriALL Global Union affiliate, the Ghana Mine Workers Union (GMWU), says one of the strategies to organize artisanal and small-scale miners (ASM) is to adopt an approach that seeks to formalize and promote a decent work agenda in the informal mining sector.

Madagascar: Sherritt workers attempt suicide after being fired

12 June, 2015Two workers at Sherritt International’s multi-billion dollar nickel project in Madagascar have attempted suicide after being among 1,100 workers that were sacked without warning last week. Tragically, one of the workers died after taking her own life. Another worker is in hospital after a failed attempt.  

ILO to adopt a new code of practice on safety in opencast mines

30 October, 2017IndustriALL Global Union is celebrating a significant boost for miners’ safety as the International Labour Organization (ILO) is set to adopt a new code of practice on occupational health and safety in opencast mines.  

Mission accomplished! Canadian Steelworkers stop Glencore attack after nine month strike

28 November, 2017371 members of the United Steelworkers – Syndicat des Métallos in Quebec, Canada, have won a new contract with the Glencore-managed CEZinc refinery after nine months of strike action.

Seven die at Grasberg mine after Freeport cuts health coverage

23 November, 2017After workers went on strike at Freeport’s Grasberg mine in May, the company fired them and cut their health coverage. Seven people have died as a result.