Rana Plaza – a last push to close the compensation gap29 April, 201524 April marked the second anniversary of the Rana Plaza factory collapse in Bangladesh. After intense campaigning from global unions and other stakeholders, the Rana Plaza compensation fund lacks US$2,7 million to reach the US$30 million needed for the victims and their families.
Second anniversary of the Accord21 May, 2015As the Accord for Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh marks its second anniversary, the garment industry in Bangladesh is on the way to become safe for its thousands of workers.
Signatories to the 2018 Accord10 September, 2018A list of brands and retailers that have signed the 2018 Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh.
Global unions urge world leaders to elevate example of Bangladesh Accord1 July, 2017As the G20 prepares to tackle issues such as fair trade and corporate responsibility in Hamburg this weekend, global unions are calling on summit participants to look to the recently re-signed Bangladesh Accord on Fire and Building Safety as a model for promoting sustainable business practices.
Bangladesh: Haesong garment workers assaulted 23 August, 2017More than 50 garment workers at Haesong Corporation Ltd. in Bangladesh have been injured after being attacked by hired goons as they took part in a peaceful protest against the sweater manufacturer on 16 August.
Pakistan – little change five years after deadly fire12 September, 2017On the fifth anniversary of the Ali Enterprises factory fire in Baldia, Pakistan, survivors, victim’s families and others paid tribute to the 257 workers killed on 11 September 2012.
Cambodian unionist released from jail29 May, 2020Cambodian unionist Soy Sros was released on 28 May, after being detained without trial for nearly two months. She was jailed for a post on social media criticizing her employer, Superl Cambodia Ltd, for suspending union members, including a pregnant woman.
724 workers, including pregnant women, dismissed at Cambodia garment factory18 June, 2020The coronavirus pandemic continues to hit Cambodian workers hard. On 13 June, Youli International (Cambodia) Garment Co. Ltd fired 724 garment workers, including 11 pregnant women.
12,000 Turkish textile workers win29 August, 2013IndustriALL Global Union is celebrating the victory of its Turkish affiliate Teksif. The union led 12,000 workers on a nine-day strike from 15 August. The successful strike has achieved the workers’ demands.