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Showing 11-20 of 66 results

Workers’ rights and a level playing field at the OECD

31 October, 2024The OECD is concerned that challenges to the shipbuilding industry due to decarbonization, the rise of China, and the disruption to global trade caused by the Red Sea crisis will lead to a distorted market.

Safety remains elusive on second anniversary of Gadani shipbreaking accident

5 November, 2018One day after the second anniversary of one of the deadliest accidents in the history of the Pakistani shipbreaking industry, there was yet another fire in the Gadani shipyard.

Metalworkers give green light to IndustriALL

19 June, 2012800 delegates gathered at the IMF Congress in Copenhagen voted to join forces with mining and energy worker and create the new 50 million strong IndustriALL Global Union.

Bangladesh: promoting social dialogue to ensure shipbreaking workers’ safety and rights

1 November, 2016A round table discussion to ensure shipbreaking workers’ safety and rights jointly organized by IndustriALL and BILS in Chittagong underlined the need for collective efforts to improve working conditions and to protect workers’ rights.

Shipbuilding industry crisis in Brazil leaves 50,000 workers without a job

7 June, 2017The political and economic crisis in Brazil is having a major impact on the shipbuilding industry. 50,000 workers have lost their jobs because of the lack of orders at many shipyards.

Another worker killed at Bangladesh shipbreaking yard

18 April, 2016Toxic gas inhalation causes death of one shipbreaking worker with another battling for life.

Turkey ratifies Hong Kong Convention for safe recycling of ships

4 February, 2019IndustriALL Global Union welcomes Turkey’s ratification of the Hong Kong Convention for the safe and environmentally sound ship recycling, but says more countries must urgently follow suit.

Workers discuss future of the mobility sector and employment in Latin America

23 August, 2019More than 50 Latin American union leaders took part in IndustriALL Global Union's second meeting of the mobility macro sector, which was held on 14 and 15 August in São Paulo, Brazil. Discussions covered the future of the mobility sector, employment and union empowerment in the region.

OECD outlines transition pathway for shipbuilding

30 November, 2022IndustriALL Global Union and industriAll European Trade Union participated in the 135th meeting of the OECD Council Working Party on Shipbuilding (WP6), where shipbuilding countries analyze the industry and explore policy options. 

Accident in Indian shipyard exposes safety crisis

31 August, 2020An accident at Hindustan Shipyard Limited (HSL) on 1 August killed ten workers and points to another example of a safety crisis in India.