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Showing 41-50 of 67 results

Fighting forward for a sustainable future in the shipbuilding and shipbreaking industry

27 November, 2018IndustriALL Global Union shipbuilding and shipbreaking unions adopted an action plan for 2019-2022 and agreed to promote safety and sustainable industrial policy and to develop trade union networks in multinational corporations.

Safety remains elusive on second anniversary of Gadani shipbreaking accident

5 November, 2018One day after the second anniversary of one of the deadliest accidents in the history of the Pakistani shipbreaking industry, there was yet another fire in the Gadani shipyard.

Shipbreaking unions in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh meet to coordinate union building

5 September, 2018IndustriALL Global Union affiliates from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh met to coordinate their campaigns for the rights of shipbreaking workers on 31 August and 1 September in Kathmandu, Nepal.

Croatian shipbuilders strike over non-payment of wages

24 August, 20184,500 workers at the Uljanik shipbuilding company in Croatia have taken strike action after the financially troubled company failed to pay their wages for July.

ILO to adopt improved code of practice for shipbuilding and ship repair

1 February, 2018Expert representatives of governments, employers and workers from around the world gathered at the ILO in Geneva, Switzerland, from 22 to 26 January, to improve and adopt a revised code of practice on safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repair. 

Banks and shipowners join campaign for the safe recycling of ships

24 November, 2017IndustriALL took forward the campaign for the safe recycling of ships at a series of recent meetings in The Netherlands.

Shipbuilders and shipbreakers pledge solidarity in Rotterdam

2 November, 201757 delegates from 18 countries met in Rotterdam, The Netherlands on 31 October and 1 November for the IndustriALL shipbuilding and shipbreaking action group.

Shipbuilding industry crisis in Brazil leaves 50,000 workers without a job

7 June, 2017The political and economic crisis in Brazil is having a major impact on the shipbuilding industry. 50,000 workers have lost their jobs because of the lack of orders at many shipyards.

Pakistan: Shipbreaking accident victims receive compensation

23 February, 2017After a series of protests by the National Trade Union Federation (NTUF), victims of the massive accident at Gadani shipbreaking yard received compensation on 9th February 2017.

BAE Systems trade union network builds strategy

28 November, 2016Trade unions of BAE Systems from Australia, Chile, UK and the USA met in Mandurah, Western Australia from 9-10 November and developed a strategy for future cooperation.