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Showing 61-67 of 67 results

Shipbuilders and shipbreakers pledge solidarity in Rotterdam

2 November, 201757 delegates from 18 countries met in Rotterdam, The Netherlands on 31 October and 1 November for the IndustriALL shipbuilding and shipbreaking action group.

Fighting forward for a sustainable future in the shipbuilding and shipbreaking industry

27 November, 2018IndustriALL Global Union shipbuilding and shipbreaking unions adopted an action plan for 2019-2022 and agreed to promote safety and sustainable industrial policy and to develop trade union networks in multinational corporations.

PROFILE: Shipbreaking workers’ union moves forward in India

3 May, 2021The Alang Sosiya Ship Recycling and General Workers Association (ASSRGWA) is a successful example of organizing India’s informal sector workers. The union has contributed to improving wages, social security measures and occupational health and safety (OHS), in what is often called the world’s most dangerous industry. 

Worker dies at Bangladesh shipbreaking yard

10 June, 2022One worker died and one was seriously injured while dismantling the tanks of ship at the Sagarika shipbreaking Yard in Chattogram, Bangladesh on 8 June.

Solidarity visit to Alang shipbreaking yards

11 November, 2022A global delegation of shipbuilding and shipbreaking unions visited the Alang shipyards in Gujarat, India, and the downstream industries in the ship recycling ecosystem, as part of IndustriALL Global Union’s campaign to clean up shipbreaking.

Pakistan’s unsafe shipbreaking yard claims lives of two workers

19 January, 2024Two workers were killed at Gadani shipbreaking yard in Pakistan when a heavy iron plate fell onto them while working on a bulk carrier ship, on 16 January.

Safety lapses persist at SN Corporation shipbreaking yard

11 February, 2025On 3 February, a cutter man was injured in a fire at SN Corporation's shipbreaking yard in Chattogram, Bangladesh.