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Showing 81-88 of 88 results

“Put Industry Back to Work”, demand European Trade Unions

3 April, 2014Just ahead of the upcoming European Parliament elections, European trade unions accepted a manifesto demanding to “Put Industry Back to Work” at an Extraordinary Executive Committee meeting of IndustriAll European Trade Union on April 2 in Madrid.

Union Victory! Basra Court finally drops charges against Hassan Juma’a

2 July, 2013Acquittal for the Iraqi oil workers’ leader Hassan Juma’a was finally achieved on 1 July. The sham judicial process persecuting Hassan for organizing workers was defeated after four months of trade union campaigning supported by international solidarity.

415 Cambodian Nike workers sacked for striking

12 June, 2013One of IndustriALL Global Union’s affiliated garment worker trade unions in Cambodia, the FTUWKC, has suffered a serious backlash for striking in demand of a US$14 monthly pay increase. IndustriALL is working with Nike to intervene.

ETUC action day: No to austerity!

14 March, 2013Austerity is not working! Ahead of the European Summit, the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) is organizing a European trade union action against austerity and for jobs for young people.

Young Latin American and German workers attend exchange programme meeting in Brazil

29 November, 2012From 26-30 November, young trade union members from the textile, chemical, mining and metalworking sectors of Latin America and from IG METALL and IGBCE in Germany are attending a training course that forms part of an international trade union exchange programme for young workers who are members of IndustriALL affiliates.

Finnish unions stand up for young workers

7 November, 2012Finnish trade union confederations and SASK reject proposals on cutting wages and salaries for young workers.

EU industrial policy must address social issues

18 October, 2012While supporting the European Commission’s new industrial policies, trade unions argue that they contradict the austerity policies currently in force in Europe.

Global youth unemployment is on the rise

5 September, 2012According to the International Labour Organization (ILO) global unemployment rates among young people will increase from 12.7 per cent in 2012 to 12.9 per cent by 2017.