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Showing 301-306 of 306 results

Petroleum workers strike to protect jobs

2 August, 2012On Friday 27 July 2012 a three day strike ended in the petroleum sector when the Nigerian government committed to resolve an urgent matter threatening jobs.

IAM members fight Caterpillar on wage freeze

26 July, 2012Members of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) union have been on strike at a Caterpillar plant in Illinois, USA since 1 May, 2012 rejecting deep contract concessions at a time when business is booming.

Workers down tools on job and salary cuts at Evraz

23 July, 2012On July 15th 2012 2000 members of the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) employed by Evraz Highveld Steel and Vanadium down tools in protest of salary cuts and retrenchments.

Bridgestone workers still on strike in Bahia, Brazil

20 July, 2012The workers have been on strike for 20 days and have received support from the USW in the United States, which has promised to seek channels of mediation with the company.

Spanish miners’ march against government cuts

5 July, 2012After 23 days of strike, members of the IndustriALL affiliated unions Federación de Industria CCOO and FITAG-UGT started the miners’ march, leaving the mining region of northern Spain on 22 June and due to arrive in Madrid on 11 July.

ITUA signs CBA at Benteler in Kaluga, Russia

5 July, 2012The Interregional Trade Union of Autoworkers (ITUA), an IndustriALL affiliate, signed a collective bargaining agreement at Benteler in Kaluga, Russia, thus securing the success of the March strike at the plant.