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Showing 1-10 of 13 results

Global May Day celebrations

2 May, 2014On May Day, IndustriALL Global Union affiliates around the world celebrated the international workers' day.

IndustriALL tells Iranian government: Hands off May Day

27 April, 2015The Iranian government is cracking down against workers organizing May Day celebrations. IndustriALL Global Union supports the brave Iranian unions operating in face of intimidation and arrests to mark the international workers’ day.

International Workers' Solidarity Day

29 April, 2014Dear colleagues!May Day greetings to you!

Indonesia: 363 workers suspended for demanding an end to precarious contracts

30 April, 2014At the World Energy Conference IndustriALL Global Union affiliates adopted a resolution to push for the reinstatement of 363 precarious workers into permanent employment at the Indonesian state owned company Pertamina in Aceh.

Human rights due diligence is not possible in Myanmar

1 May, 2023More than two years after the military coup in Myanmar, the situation for the people, and the workers, is getting worse. May Day is a day when we raise our voices for workers’ rights and against violations – human rights due diligence is not possible under Myanmar’s military dictatorship and companies must plan a responsible exit from the country.

May Day statement from Valter Sanches

30 April, 2020The Coronavirus crisis has created a unique May Day: for the first time in 130 years, the workers of the world will not take to the streets.

United in solidarity

29 April, 2022In many parts of the world, this May Day will be the first time since the pandemic struck in 2020 that workers will be able to celebrate May Day together, raising their voices for union rights and against violations.

Dis-connecting people - raising the voice of workers at Nokia India

2 May, 2014On International Workers' Day, trade union Thozhilalar Sangam at Nokia India released a film called Dis-Connecting People. The film documents the voices of workers that have been muted in the battle between the state and the company.

Justice for workers after May Day clashes in Turkey

16 May, 2013On May Day peaceful demonstration of workers on Taksim Square of Istanbul was violently broke up by the police, IndustriALL demands proper investigation of the case.

Virtual May Day

6 May, 2020The Coronavirus created a unique May Day; for the first time in 130 years, workers around the world were not be able to celebrate in the streets. So, we took the picket line online.